
Jehad of the Pen

37 JEHAD OF THE PEN (Tahir Ahmad Khan) The revival of Islam started towards the end of the 19th century and its manifestations started to become more noticeable to those Muslims who had given up hope at that time. It is the direct result of the crusade initiated by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah and Holy Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam. This is a basic truth which all would do well to keep in mind. No one should be carried away with the idea that it is due to his own efforts, or the effort of some nominated crusader as we shall see. Allah does not need crusades of charity. However, crusading in the cause of faith does have its merits, with Allah, depending upon the degree of certainty of true knowledge, and the sincerity of heart behind its purpose. To expect, however, that Allah will bless a thoughtless crusade is a different matter. Once the Divine Community has been established, only those genuine efforts which are from within this Community are destined to be blessed by Allah. The chances of others to be blessed by Allah, are the same as are the chances of a stream reaching the sea, that no doubt collects some water from the mountain, but veers on a course away from the main river. There is no shortage of rain, yet that particular stream would never reach the sea. See how the rain of divine revelation channeled Islam into a mighty river through the person of the Holy Prophet of Islam. Through the same rain, Islam has now been revived through the person of the Promised Messiah and Mahdi of our era. Presently we shall see that some self-styled champions of the crusade of Islam, although being acutely aware of the phenomenon we discussed above, still choose to deny it, and end up with either vain exhortations, self-praise, or even outright lies. Our aim here is not to discourage anyone from writing or speaking anything he chooses, because there is no compulsion in religion, but to give praise where praise is due and to keep the record straight by alerting the unwary reader. There is absolutely no harm in copying the ideas of the Promised Messiah, because they speak for the success of his mission. But when his opponents start copying his writings and teachings it becomes our duty to warn the people about their publications. We start with the basic undeniable fact that all establishments, societies, associations, jamaats, leagues, councils, brotherhoods or any 38 REVIEW OF RELIGIONS other organised Islam-orientated group which publishes its views or those holding similar beliefs about Islam, must necessarily be deemed as actively engaged in the Jehad of-the pen. And- We have expounded the (Quran) to them in diverse ways that they may take heed, but most men would reject everything but disbelief If We had pleased,’ We would have surely raised a warner in every city; So obey not the disbelievers and strive against them by means of (the Quran) with a mighty, striving. (25:51-53) The reason we have chosen these verses is to illustrate the point that the resurgence of Islam must necessarily come from first principles, i.e; the exposition of the Holy Quran and the original principles of this, great religion. Hence a person’who takes up the pen in the cause of Islam is indeed striving hard and is engaged in the Jehad of the pen. It follows, that people engaged in this work carry on their shoulders the • serious responsibility of ensuring accuracy and maintaining the contradiction-free nature of their publications. Withoutthis seriousness their so-called Jehad or efforts would surely become a source of aversion for interested non-Muslims, a cause for misguidance of new converts, a reason for added confusion and doubt for all Muslims. Let us now examine two books published by The Islamic F,oundation on behalf of Islamic Council of Europe, which has arrogated upon itself the distinction of being a supreme co-ordination body for Islamic centres and organisations of Europe. They are: Islam — its Meaning and Message (197.5,1983). and . Towards Understanding ISLAM (1980,1985). The first book laments on p.22 9 that modern thinkers in Islam have forgotten all the ahddith pertaining to the last days and the appearance of the Mahdi; or misconstrued or laid them aside, either through ignorance or malevolence. The second book expresses a belief which goes against the former when on p-.79 it denies the appearance of any personage on whom it would be essential for a Muslim to believe. These two opposing beliefs are irreconcilable, and sadly both pertain to the adoption of the Straight Path for which all Muslims pray continuously. One belief requires the nullification of the other


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