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Muslim Hospitality

12 MUSLIM HOSPITALITY (compiled by Dr. Qazi Muhammad Barkatullah) THE HOLY QURAN 1. There is no harm for the blind and there is no harm for the lame, and there is no harm for the sick and none for yourselves, that you eat from your own houses, or the houses of your fathers, or the houses of your mothers, or the houses of your brothers, or the houses of your fathers’ sisters, or the houses of your mothers’ brothers, or the houses of your mothers’ sisters, or from that of which the keys are in your possession, or from the house of a friend of yours; there is no harmfor you, whether you eat together or separately. But when you enter houses, salute your people – a greeting from your Lord, full of blessing and purity. (24:62) 2. And they feed,.for love of Him, the poor, the orphan, and the prisoner, saying, We feed you for Allah’s pleasure only; we desire no reward nor thanks from you. (76:9-10) 3. And he (Abraham) was not long in bringing a roasted calf. (11:70) 4. He (Lot) said, These are my guests, so put me not to shamel (15:69) SAYINGS OF THE HOLY PROPHET 1. The worst wedding feast is that from which those are excluded who would come willingly and to which those are invited who would rather stay away. He who does not accept an invitation disobeys Allah and His Messenger. 2. Accept an invitation; do not reject a gift, and do not strike your fellows. 3. He who does not accept an invitation disobeys Allah and His Messenger, and he who enters a house uninvited enters a thief and emerges a robber. 4. When the food is laid out, let the principal person or the host or the best of those present begin first. REVIEW OF RELIGIONS 13 5. A guest is entitled to be entertained for three days; beyond that, it is charity on the part of the host. A guest should depart within this period and spare his host embarrassment. 6. When someone visits you, do honour to him. 7. Do not entertain a guest ostentatiously. 8. The Holy Prophet forbade being too formal with a guest. 9. It is-part of good behavior to accompany the departing guest to the door. 10. The worst of people are those who do not entertain a guest. 11. There is no good in one who does not exercise hospitality. 12. The Holy Prophet has said: Entertain people according to their standing. (Wisdom of the Holy Prophet p. 3 0-31) 13. Eat together and do not sit apart-(while eating) because blessing is with the united body. (Ibn-i-Majah) 14. Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him honour his guest; and whoever believes in Allah and Last Day, let him not give trouble to his neighbour; and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him say good things or be silent. In another report, instead of neighbour, the Holy Prophet said: And whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him keep amity with his relations. (Abu Daud) 15. Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him entertain the guest; and his hearty entertainment is for one day and one night only, and general entertainment is for three days, and after the lapse of three days, it is charity. It is not lawful for him (the guest) to stay longer sO as to cause inconvenience. (Abu Daud)


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