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In his book Fat-he-Islam (Victory of Islam) the Promissed Messiah(as) h a s written ‘what is called “Faith” has been substituted by a few words of declaration uttered by the tongue;…True piety and virtue have been completely forgotten.’ He writes that there are five spheres of activity neccessary to ensure the revival of Islam. Before describing these, it is worth reflecting on how Islam progressed following the demise of the Holy P r o p h e t(sa) and the first four Khalifas. This month’s issue contains an article written by the late Professor Abdus Salaam in which he presents a synopsis of the history of Islam following the demise of the Holy Prophet( s a ) and the first four Khalifas. It is a story of conquests and of the establishment of empires. Contrast this then with the five steps needed for the revival of Islam as presented in ‘Fat-he-Islam. The Promised Messiah( a s ) writes that his first sphere of activity is that he has been guided to write and publish books. Along with this, leaflets would be published which proclaim the truth of Islam over other creeds. A further task is to ensure that those people who are seeking ‘the truth’ are cared for. During his lifetime, the Promised Messiah(as) a c c o m m o d a t e d several thousand guests who visited him in Qadian in order to establish the truth of his claim to be the Messiah of the age. He writes: ‘..the circle of those who can come and stay near me ..should also be gifted with that sublime taste which I have been gifted.’ The fourth branch of activity is correspondence with those who seek the truth and those who are antagonistic to it. Finally the Promissed Messiah( a s ) writes that he has been directed by Allah to broaden the circle of devotees and those who take the oath of Initiation. He writes that Allah has informed him ‘Anyone who slips his hand in your hand in allegiance, slips it not in your hand but rather in the Hand of God.’ The Promissed Messiah(as) stresses that all five of these spheres of activity are needed to bring about the revival of Islam. All of these are based upon logic and reasoning. ‘Seekers after the truth’ are also to be cared for, as demonstrated by the immense hospitality and love which the Promissed Messiah( a s ) displayed for his guests. It is only through these methods that Islam will be revived in its true beauty and purity. Sarah Waseem – UK 2 The Review of Religions – August 2003 Editorial


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