
Post Crucifixion Travels of Jesus

Post Crucifixion Travels of Jesus (Dr. Qazi Muhammad Barkatullah) Shroud of Turin A panel of forty scientists performing tests on the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin have unanimously declared: “We are saying it is authentic – the Shroud of Turin is Real.” In other words Jesus who was wrapped in this shroud was alive. It proves Jesus did not die on the cross with the result that the foundation on which christian beliefs were based has disappeared. Metaphorically the cross is now broken. The longheld beliefs that Jesus redeemed mankind of their sins, by dying an accursed death, was buried, rose from the dead and went up to heaven, have now no ground to stand on. Christianity has lost its ground. The Shroud of Turin is relatively new evidence that Jesus did not die on the cross. But almost one hundred years ago, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah and Holy Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, had declared that Jesus did not die on the cross. His declaration was based on revelations from Almighty Allah. Now the discovery of the real shroud and all the experiments, in one way, to prove that it is not real, have become fruitless. The Shroud of Turin being real proves that Jesus did not die on the cross. Further evidence that Jesus did not die on the cross may be gained from the Bible: ” … for he that is hanged is accursed of God.” (Deut. 21:23). ” … for it is written, cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree.” (Galatians 3:13). Jesus was a true prophet of God, therefore, he could not die an accursed death. The followers of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam firmly believe that Jesus did not die on the cross. Their belief is based on the Holy Ouran. In this connection further pertinent references, Biblical and otherwise, are cited below: 1. Before the tragic incident ofthe crucifixion, Jesus fervently prayed; and his prayers were definitely heard by God. Jesus fell on his face and prayed, saying: ” … let this cup pass from me” (Matt. 26:39). I ~ I I J { 1 POST CRUCIFIXION TRAVELS OF JESUS 41 2. Also, Jesus cried from the cross with a loud voice, saying “Eli, Eli, Lama sa-bach-tha-ni? – My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matt. 27:46). 3. The legs of Jesus were not broken as were those of the two thieves crucified with him (John 19:33,34). It shows that God was taking measures to save him from an accursed death on the cross. 4. Afterwards, “one of the soldiers with a spear pierced Jesus’ side, and forthwith came there out blood and water” (John 19:34). It is a matter of common understanding that when a person becomes dead, the heart stops its process of circulating blood. Oozing of blood from Jesus’s body was a clear sign that he was still alive though unconscious. The authorities in the field of medicine have asserted that the oozing of blood from somebody proves that the person is not dead. Jesus, therefore, did not die on the cross but was taken down in im unconscious condition and thus God saved him from an accursed death. 5. Oozing of blood from the side of Jesus is clearly seen in a picture held sacred for a long time (Life, Jan. 27, 1967 and December 13, 1963). 6. An eye-witness narrated an account that Jesus did not die on the cross (The Crucifixion By an Eyewitness, p. 192). 7. The Encyclopedia Britannica has printed some pictures of Jesus Christ. The crucifixion of Jesus took place when he was about thirty-three years of age. Some of the pictures show him clearly in late and old age. Such pictures are a cleat indication that Jesus did not die at a young age but rather he died in his old age (Ency. Britannica, vol. 13). 8. Jesus is reported to have said: ” … An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonah: For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly, so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Matt. 12:3~O). These words remain unfulfilled if Jesus actually died on the cross. The Ahmadiyya Muslims believe that the prophetic words of Jesus Christ were actually fulfilled and he did not die on the cross. He remained alive in the tomb and came out alive. This fulfills the prophecy, for Jonah was swallowed alive by the whale, and stayed alive and came out alive. Similarly, Jesus Christ, after the incident of the cross, entered the sepulchre alive, remained there alive and by the third day came out alive. The supporting evidence that he was the Jesus, healed from his wounds and not one risen from the dead, is that he says: “Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself; handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.” (Luke 24:39). 42 REVIEW OF RELIGIONS Thus, after meeting his disciples and confirming that he did not die on the cross, Jesus resolved under Divine Command, to leave Palestine in search of the lost tribes of Israel so that he could convey the Divine message to them. Resuscitated – not Resurrected! Jesus was, of course, unconscious when taken down from the cross. Joseph of Arimathea wrapped Jesus in a fine linen and took him to a nearby sepulchre especially prepared for himself in a garden. The connotation conveyed by the word tomb needs to be clarified. The tombs of those days were not like tombs of these days. They were airy, spacious places with side openings. Joseph of Arimathea was a physician and a rich man. Another physician, Nicodemus, also reached there. Jesus was then massaged with a special herbal ointment. That ointment was specially prepared for the kinds of wounds that Jesus had received. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah, has referred to that ointment known as Ointment of Jesus. Furthermore, the prescription for the ointment can be traced in medical books. Jesus, however, felt better by the application of that ointment. It is pertinent to remark that no fatal wound was inflicted on Jesus. Jesus regained consciousness. His admirers supplied him with white clothes to conceal his identity. The other two physicians also dressed themselves in white robes. On the third day all three came out of the sepulchre like white-robed angels. This prophecy was then fulfilled: “An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign and there shall be no sign given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonah, for as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. (Matt. 12:39-40). It should be noted that the Prophet Jonah was swallowed alive, remained in the belly of the whale alive, and came out alive. Similarly, Jesus was alive when placed in the sepulchre, stayed there alive and came out alive. It was the same real Jesus who had come out of the sepulchre and who said to his disciples who had gathered for the supper: “Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself.” (Luke 24:39). “Look at my feet, and see if they are not touching the ground, for it stands written in the Prophets: A spirit, an apparition, has no trace on the earth. ” (Apocryphal Gospel: Andrew). l , ) POST CRUCIFIXION TRAVELS OF JESUS 43 i J Migration , I t j Jesus met a disgraceful treatment at the hands of his country men. So he said: “A prophet is not without honour save in his own country.” He decided to leave Palestine. Furthermore he had yet to fulfil a part of his mission which was to preach to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel. In order to reach the “Lost Sheep of the House of Israel” he had to migrate from the country where he had been accorded neither honour nor respect. After the crucifixion, Jesus prepared for a long journey so he gave instructions to his followers: The scripture records: “For the Son of man is like a man taking a far journey who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch.” (Mark 13:34). After the incident of the cross, Jesus was very weak and could not walk very well. However, he met his followers several times in places of concealment. Also, he met the eleven disciples at supper and even slept one night in the company of his followers. Jesus regained strength and asked his followers to meet him at the Mount of Olives, near Bethany. There he advised them, and embraced each one of them in turn. Jesus then took leave of them and walked up the mountain. The simple and poor folk stood there amazed and dismayed. They were full of sorrow as he was parting from them. They looked at him as far and as long as they could look. It was cloudy and Jesus was leaving the hilltop. They could see him no more, as the clouds had received him out of their sight. Thus for those simple people Jesus had gone up to heaven. However, Jesus came down the hilltop on the other side. Then in the company of Mary Magdalene he set out on a long journey. It is also reported that Jesus’s mother, Mary, also accompanied them on this journey. During the journey Mary Magdalene passed away. Jesus and his mother continued their journey to complete and fulfil his mission. Lost Sheep Jesus’s mission was to locate and convey his message to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel. He said: “I am not sent but unto the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel.” (Matt. 15:24). Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, the Promised Messiah, has traced and also confirmed by historical evidence that the people of Mghanistan and Kashmir represent the ten lost tribes of Israel. There were twelve tribes (Matt. 10:5-6) and only two were in the country from where Jesus migrated in search of the rest of the tribes. 44 REVIEW OF RELIGIONS Bernier says that the people of Kashmir have common names like Rahim Jew, Jul Jew, Jus Jew, and it can be understood that these people were of Jewish descent. Moreover, the Jewish cast of features of many of the inhabitants of Kashmir has been noted by many travellers (Bernier’s Travels, p.430). The majority of Eastern writers consider the people of Afghanistan to be the descendants of the tribes of Israel, “And this is the opinion of the Afghans themselves” (J. E. Ferrier, History of The Afghanistans, p. 1). Again, the traditions of the people refer them to Syria as the country of their residence at the time they were carried away into captivity of Bukhtunasar – Nebuchadnezzar, and planted as colonies in different places. At subsequent periods they settled in Afghanistan (The Races of Afghanistan, p. 15). The names of towns and cities of Afghanistan and Kashmir are also identical with those of ancient Syria. For example, the name of Kabal, Himis, Gilgit, Laddakh, Leh, Sure, Sukat, are similar to Kabul, Hams, Golgotha, Laddak, Lehi, Shur, and Succoth of ancient Syria. This presents one of the strongest proofs of the fact that the ancestors of the people of Afghanistan, Kashmir, and the adjoining provinces came from ancient Syria, representing the Lost Tribes of Israel. Arrival of Jesus Jesus was informed by God that “The Lost Sheep of the House of Israel” had migrated to regions of Afghanistan and Kashmir. Several connotations have been assigned to the word Afghan. Some say Mghan means brave. Some maintain that Afghan is from the Persian word “Faghan,” meaning crying, weeping. The tribes were constantly in a state of lamenting and bemoaning because they had lost their original homeland. Some say that they are descendants of Afghan who was a contemporary of Nebuchadnezzar. It is also believed that a reputable Israelite of the Afghan race, Qais, by name, lived during the time of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be on him). Qais became a Muslim and the title of Pathan was conferred upon Qais. Pathan in Syriac means rudder and the word was considered to be synonymous with the word Afghan. In due course, Afghans embraced Islam. Afghanistan literally means the land of the Afghans. Their striking resemblance of the physical features of Jews reveal their identity to be of Jewish origin. The same kind of people with Jewish ancestry made another settlement. in the region which came to be known as Kashmir. In order to fulfil his mission to locate and deliver his message to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel, Jesus started his long journey. Some scholars maintain that he first went to Cyprus. Other scholars say that he went first to Egypt. He then passed through Nasibus, Iran, and POST CRUCIFIXION TRAVELS OF JESUS 45 reached Afghanistan. He met the Jews who had settled there and, thus, partially fulfilled his mission. In order to locate the rest of the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel, Jesus finally reached Kashmir. Bernier, a notable historian, testified that the Kashmiris are Jewish in descent and had migrated from their motherland in the reign of King Asur (Bernier, Travel, vol. 2). In those days people of that part of the world were also expecting their Messiah. In their language it was Buddha who had to make another appearance. Jesus learned the Pali language which was the language of the followers of Buddha. They called Jesus, Bagwa Metteya. Bagwa means white or of fair skin, and Metteya is a word of the Pali language meaning Messiah. So Jesus was received, accepted as the expected Buddha, their Messiah. Great respect and honour was accorded to him. Some rulers placed his name on their coins prevalent in those days. A mountain Mari, near Islamabad, Pakistan, was named after his mother or perhaps his wife Mary. The capital of Kashmir, is called Sirinager, which literally means the place of Siri or Skull. The word golgotha also has the same meaning; that is the Place of the Skull where the crucifixion took place. In an ancient religious scripture of the Hindus, Bhoshia Paran, it is recorded that the ruler Shalbahan met Jesus in Kashmir. It is also recorded in an early history of Kashmir that Jesus took a long journey from Jerusalem and reached Kashmir (Jesus, Son of Mary, p. 32). The Buddhist followers of Jesus were deeply impressed by his teaching. They mixed Jesus’s teachings with their own original teachings. This explains the striking parallels between the teaching of Buddha and Jesus. Jesus lived to a very ripe old age. He toured various places in India and was accorded respect and honour everywhere. But his headquarters remained in Kashmir. He lived up to one hundred and twenty years. He passed away peacefully and was buried in Khanyar Street, Sirinagar, Kashmir. His tomb is still in existence and is of the same pattern as Jewish tombs.


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