24 STOP PRESS The Mubahala set out herein was issued on 10th June 1988. Exactly one month after this public declaration on the part of the opponents of Jamaat Ahamdiyya, Maulana Aslam Qureshi, whose kidnap and murder was alleged to have been committed by the Head of the Ahmadiyya Community, (see Mubahala Part B. Allegation Group seven) suddenly re-appeared in Pakistan. He appeared in the presence of the Inspector General of Police for the Punjab on national television and his re-appearance was given wide publicity (13 July 1988 Daily Jang; Daily Nawa-i-Waqt; Daily Mashriq; Pakistan Times of same date; Daily Millat, 20 July 1988) He categorically denied his kidnapping, re-stated that he had moved around the country for several months, remaining in hiding throughout and then had migrated to Iran “to escape from the poor moral conditions then prevailing in Pakistan”. He denied that the Ahmadiyya Community had anything to do with his disappearance and apologised publicly “for any loss or inconvenience occasioned by” his disappearance for which he held himself “personally responsible.” It is no mere coincidence that a person should be missing for five years and allegations should continue to multiply in respect of him against the Spiritual Leader of a God-fearing and Law-abiding Community, and then such a person should suddenly give himself up to the Inspector General of Police exactly one month after this Mubahala. This then was the first blow struck by God Almighty at the opponents and at the allegations on which stood their edifice. While the opponents were still recovering from this shock, the Hand of God Almighty was putting the final touches to yet another great miracle in response to the humble supplications of His Chosen Community who had endured persecution in His name and for His cause. The most prominent person addressed in this Mubahala and right at the top of what may now be called the “hit-list” of God, was General Muhammad Ziaul Haq, ex-Chief Martial Law Administrator of Pakistan. After the invitation to the Mubahala had been issued, repeated warnings were given by the Head of the world-wide Ahmadiyya Community to General Zia that he had been named in this Mubahala and whether or not he formally accepted to enter into this REVIEW OF RELIGIONS 25 Mubahala, he was a party to it (Friday Sermons 30 July & 5 August 1988). But General Zia was “flying high” in his political career. He did not desist from perpetuating the course of persecution under which Ahmadis in Pakistan had continued to suffer. Ln his Friday Sermon of 12 August 1988, the Imam of the Ahmadiyya COInmunity and Head of the World-wide Ahmadiyya Movement, clearly stated that because General Zia and his government had not relented in their wave of persecution, and had transgressed to extremes, his fate was now sealed. On 17th August 1988, the Court of God Almighty handed down its sentence. According to The Sun’s blazing headlines HZia Blown Out Of The Sky.” Strange indeed are the ways of God Almighty. His body was blown to smithereens, a word whose meaning can only be understood from Christian Lamb’s report which appeared in the Financial Times of 22nd August 1988 as follows: ” The crowds thronging Islamabad on a sunny afternoon could easily have been mistaken for people celebrating a holiday ‘” while men seemed to enjoy a day out in a country starved of entertainment … As the coffin containing only his teeth (nothing else of him could be found) was lowered into the grave, a 21-gun salute sounded.” So what lies six feet deep in the ground are parts of the dentines which once laughed at this Mubahala. We can here only caution our opponents to watch out – there is God around! HAVEN OF BLISS Creator of light and life – God supreme! o teach me what is good: teach me Thyself! Save me from folly. vanity. and vice. From every low pursuit: and fill my soul With knowledge. conscious peace, and virtue pure: Sacred. substantial, never-fading bliss.


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