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2 EDITORIAL Since the martyrdom of our beloved Prophet’s grandson, Hazrat Imam Hussain, the Muslim Ummah has stood divided and inspite of their common heritage the rift between the Sunnis and the Shiats has been widening with the dawn of every new day. The eight year long and drawn out war between Iran and Iraq has kept this conflict between the two major Islamic schools of thought very much alive over the last decade. However, the recent agreement b~tween the two powers and their acceptance of a cease fire in priniciple comes as a welcome relief to a large majority of Muslims throughout the world. It is now hoped that the politicians of both countries will sit together and agree upon an amicable formula of co-existance in peace which would not only bring security to the people of Iran and Iraq but also relief to all concerned One does not doubt that the task before the diplomats of both nations is considerably difficult. One cannot easily forget the sacrifices which each side has made over the last eight years. But the ‘Sunnah’ of our beloved master, Hazrat Muhammad Mustapha, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, should be as an example for both sides. . Neither of the two sides in the present conflict can deny that our beloved Prophet and his companions suffered severe persecution at the hands of the Meccan infidels. History suggests that our beloved Prophet’s uncle, Hazrat Abu Talib and his noble consort Hazrat Khadija, peace be upon them all, were both the victims of the extreme privation and distress caused by the Meccan boycott which effectively confined the Muslims in a small valley of Shi’b Abi Talib. Not much later, some 14 companions of the Holy Prophet became martyrs in the Battle of Badr and the Battle of Uhud saw the martyrdom of some 70 blessed companions of our lord and master, including Hazrat Harnza whose body was severely mutilated by Abu Sufyan’s wife Hinda. Yet, inspite of all this persecution which lasted for a period of more than two decades, the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, treated his adversaries in the best ofIslamic traditions and upon the request of his REVIEW OF RELIGIONS 3 than two decades, the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, treated his adversaries in the best ofIslamic traditions and upon the request of his adversaries announced: ‘By God! This day shall there be no retribution exacted from you.’ (Hisham) This excellent example of amity should serve as a classical example for the peace negotiators of both sides at Geneva. It should serve to console the effects of the hardship and loss suffered by the nationals of both sides. History has yet not furnished a parallel to the magnanimity which the Holy Prophet of Islam, Hazrat Muhammad Mustapha, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, showed towards his bitter and committed enemies. Iraq and Iran today stand at a threshold where they can demonstrate to the world that such magnanimity is only possible in Islam. The entire Muslim population of the world looks upon them to revive the blessed traditions of our beloved lord and master. May the Almighty Allah grant both nations the wisdom to follow the example of their common benefactor, Hazrat Muhammad Mustapha, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. Amin! HUMILITY “0 Godl Keep me humble while I am alive and keep me humble when I die and let my resurrection on the Day of Judgement be with the humble.” “Allah has revealed to me that you should comport yourselves with humility towards one another so that no one transgresses against another. nor boasts of any superiority over another.” (Holy Prophet Muhammad)


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