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EDITORIAL DAY OF HAPPINESS Muslims the world over will be celebrating the religious festival of Eid-ul-Fitr marking the end of Ramadhan – the holy month of fasting. The happiness experienced on this occasion is far deeper than that derived from the wearing of new clothes, eating and drinking without restriction, visiting friends, receiving presents and generally having a good time. No doubt these things do give some pleasure of a kind; but the delight of the soul cleansed and refreshed with the balm of heaven, generates an inner glow of happiness beyond description. This Divine blessing may vary in degree according to the spiritual devotion exercised during the holy month and through the sheer Grace of Allah. Righteousness flourishes through self;purification and this is the intention and purpose of fasting in the manner prescribed by Islam: “O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, so that, you may become righteous.” (2:183) Allah showers His blessings in extraordinary abundance during the month of Ramadhan especially upon those who observe the fasts with earnest devotion. No wonder then, that one who has diligently observed the fasts finds himself on Bid in a realm of spiritual elevation granting him a state of happiness which may be described as a taste of paradise on earth. Those who are exempted from fasting due to legitimate reasons may also experience the same happiness by giving devoted attention to all the other requirements for practical observation during the holy month of Ramadhan. The members of the Editorial Board of the Review of Religions convey to its readers Bid Mubarak and prayers that Bid may prove a blessing for all, Inshallah (God-Willing).


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