Categories: Africa


2 EDITORIAL LIGHT OF AFRICA Africa has been referred to as the dark continent. Perhapsitwas termed darkin the sense that upto the middle ofthe nineteenth century much of its vast interior regions had not been discovered until the explorations ofDr. David Livingston and other geographers. Now every square mile has been accurately mapped. African countries have not only advanced in political, economical and educational status but also in spiritual elevation which is of most importance. They are now becoming the torchbearers of spiritual light, and this light which they are irradiating is destined to spread over Europe, America and, indeed, the whole world. What is this light? It is the light of Ahmadiyyat – the True Islam which was first brought to Africa in the earlier part ofthis century by the followers of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, India (1835 – 1908) – the long awaited Promised Messiah and Mahdi. To-day hundreds ofthousands of Africans have not only accepted the truth of the Promised Messiah but are also living witnesses of the transforming, efficacious and spiritual power ofIslam. They are shedding its Divine light for all to see. The Supreme Head ofthe Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam – Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, has recently completed a seven week tour of the Gambia, Sierra Leone, Liberia, I vory Coast, Ghana and Nigeria from 19thJanuary- 27th February 1988. During this tour not only were the delighted people much impressed by him for his spiritual qualities but he was also much drawn towards them and impressed by them. He found them humble, friendly, open-hearted and most hospitable. They were hungry for truth and affection which he poured upon them in abundance. He found that those who had joined the fold of the Promised Messiah were reflecting the holy ideals ofIslam to a high degree. He has drawn this observation to the notice of Asian Ahmadis whom he has advised to emulate their devotion and not to think that they necessarily excel over others in the Islamic way oflife. Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad has expressed his conviction that Africa would play a vital role in the propogation and rise of Islamic values throughout the world. During his tour Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad met presidents, paramount chiefs, government ministers and religious leaders including leading Churchmen. All displayed to him the utmost courtesy and respect. EDITORIAL 3 He expressed and demonstrated his deep interest and concern for the economical and spiritual welfare of the countries he visited and he offered his help and prayers for the fulfilment of these objectives. He has urged Ahmadies to dedicate their services whole time or part time to help these countries with their professional knowledge and skills in the line of medicine, engineering, education etc. Many persons have and are rendering active assistance with the true Islamic spirit oflove and sympathy for the welfare of these people who have suffered much from the exploitation of foreigners. The tour was successful and fruitful in every way and already Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad has commenced schemes for the betterment of the people of those countries in addition to those which have already been in operation. It is hoped that a more detailed report of the tour will be published in the next issue of the Review of Religions. HEAVENLY BROTHERHOOD “Verily the righteous will be placed amidst gardens and fountaills. Enter therein (paradise) with peace and safety. And We shall remove whatever of ranrour may be in their brmsts so that they may berome as brothers seata:I on thrones facing one another.” (Quran 15:45 – 48) EXEMPLARY CONDUCT In domestic life the conduct ofMuhammad is exemplary. As a husband his fondness and devotion were entire. As a fathff” he was loving and tender. In his youth he lived a virtuous life; and at the age of twenty five he married a widow forty years old. during whale lifetime for five and twenty years he was a faithful husband to her alone. (Sir William Muir, Life of Muhammad.]


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