EDITORIAL Gloom in the Gulf It is not even the lust for political power or desire for territorial dominance that the Muslim countries Iraq and Iran are continuously confronting each other in battles of brutal bloodshed. Rough reports reaching the world say that more than 150,000 precious lives have been lost in addition to the billions of pounds worth of arms wasted which, if spent on the development of the two countries, would have brought progress and prosperity to their people. In the beginning the anti-Islamic powers felt pleased at the destructive manoeuvres of the two Muslim countries and sucked in large sums of money by trading in war-weapons; but when the skirmishes started to endanger and damage their ships, the U.N.O. machinery came into motion in the U.S.A. and planned for a ceasefire. Keeping in view the fruitless feats of fortitude, the two sides should have availed the opportunity and exhibited the necessary maturity and accepted the ceasefire resolution and thereby allowed the war-stricken inhabitants of the two countries to heave a sigh of relief. However, more loss of life, more wastage of material resources, more orphans and more widows seem to be the programme of the two combatants. The obstacle to halting this hazardous situation is the obstinacy and insistence of Iran in demanding a confession from Iraq that President Sadam Hussain must be declared an ‘aggressor’ to which Iraq will not agree. As a result the Gulf is engulfed in a state almost to the point of an unprecedented nuclear outburst. Almost every metre of the Gulf water is occupied either by mines, or naval hardware or oil-laden ships. Nothing is safe or secure on land, in the sea or in space around the Gulf. Every youth above 18 is a soldier and the anticipated victim of vain ideology. Even the fair sex in Iran while wearing their veils are practising how to shoot. These lingering harmful hostilities are the reminders of the battles of Buath and Basus of Ayyam-ul-Arab and perhaps revival of the Jahiliyya revenge. Let us examine the Gulf situation in spiritual perspective. Iraq and Iran have been the cradles and centres of spiritual and scriptural civilizations from EDITORIAL 3 time immemorial. Both of them profess Islam and Iran even claims to have caused an Islamic revolution. The word ‘revolution’ suggests that Iran wants to revitalise Islamic values and to renew some of its forgotten and forsaken features; but, alas, its current conduct is not conducive to its claims; nor is it in line with that of our Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) whose followers all of us and the Iranians profess to be. We welcome the spirit of Iran to revive Islam and in this context we expect Iran to act on the injunctions and examples set by the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) His definition of a Muslim is: “A muslim is he from whose hands and tongue people are safe. ” Both Iraq and Iran have closed their eyes to such precious and peace providing advices of the Benefector of humanity and consequently are causing irreparable losses and untold sufferings to their innocent SUbjects. Have they forgotten the teaching of the Holy Quran that if a person murders a single man without authority he will be considered to be the murderer of the whole world. Such is the value of a single life in the sight of God. How will the authors of this war waged for political purposes justify their acts before God? They know that they are going to be asked about every drop of blood shed on their orders. At every step of human life the Holy Prophet of Islam has left glorious guidance for the benefit of individuals as well as for nations. In the context of Iraq and Iran, Iraq is willing to accept the ceasefire and thus be a partisan to bring back the lost peace. But it is Iran that is adamant. With all humility, good wishes and for the love of peace and Islam at our command we would wish the Iranian rulers to remember the remarkable episode of the Hudaibiya Treaty in the year 6 A.H. In all appearance the companions of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) were not pleased at the signing of the Treaty and to return without performing the pilgrimage, but the sagacity, wisdom and maturity of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) combined with the good will and guidance of God worked wonders and this episode was regarded and recorded as Fath-e-Mobin (great victory) in the Everlasting Book of God. The blessings of such acts of magnanimity, meekness and humility were not restricted to the lifetime of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him). They are immortal pieces of advice and golden guidelines for the followers for eternity. The Holy Prophet said “when you are in power forgiveness and forbearance is a great virtue”. Hence if Iran exhibits the courage and maturity to extend the hand of co-operation and accepts the offer of a ceasefire, then not only will the two concerned countries become peaceful but also the danger of a bigger conflict looming large in the Gulf will be removed and, above all, the damage done to the peace-promising and peace-providing name of Islam will be repaired. The views and news of the distress and destruction of our Muslim brethren 4 REVIEW 01′ RELIGIONS are too painful for other Muslims to digest. Therefore in the name of God and His Messenger of peace, we implore the two Muslim countries to bring an end to this man-made malady, and we pray wholeheartedly to God Almighty for a humane change in the hearts of those who are at the helm of this conflict. True Devotion God has spoken to me to say that Taqwa, (righteousness,) is a tree which one should plant in one’s heart. The water which nourishes righteousness can feed indeed the entire field of life. Righteousness is a rootfrom which everything springs: if it is there, you get everything. But if it isn’t there, then everything becomes null and void. It does absolutely do no good to man with his tongue if he claims to seek God, but shows no steadfastness of purpose in the way. Listen, indeed, for I say very truly that the man is like one destroyed who bears with the love for religion in his heart, a mixture ofthe love of this world; and Hell stands very near to that soul of which all the aims and resolves are not for the sake of God, some being for God and some forthis world. In your aims and objects if you mix even a particle ofthe desires of this world, then all your prayers and devotions are in vain. In that you do not follow God, butfollow Satan; and you should never delude yourself with hope that God will come to your help. Rather, in that case, you are a worm ofthe earth, and God will not be in you; He will rather be pleased to destroy you and in a few days you shall perish like so many insects. But, on the other hand, if you accept death as far as your self was concerned, then you will appear in God, and God will be with you; the home shall be blessed in which you live: God’s grace and mercy shall come down on the walls which form the walls of your home; and the town itself shall be blessed where such a one lives. If your life and your death, every movement you make, your gentleness and your resentment is only for God; at the time of every distress and tribulation if you do not proceed to test God; if you will not break away from Him, but put your best foot forward, then I say truly that you shall become especially a people of God. (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad – The Promised Messiah)


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