
Ultimate Unity

The Ka’bah is the Cube Shaped Building towards which all Muslim face in their formal prayers. Millions of Muslims around the world, at least five times a day bow down in the direction of Makkah where the Ka’bah is found. Islam professes belief in a Single Omnipotent Being. There is such great emphasis on the Unity of God in Islam that idol worship is considered the only unforgivable sin. Then why, some may wonder, does it appear that Muslims pray towards a stone object?

Muslims do not worship the Ka’bah itself. Nor does any Muslim hold the Ka’bah in view during his or her prayers. The Ka’bah is a focal point for all Muslims globally. Black, white rich, poor, Asians, Africans, Europeans and people from the Americas; all point towards a single direction as a symbol of the Unity of God unique in all world faiths. Islam is a religion that aims at bringing about a society of peace, love and unity. The Unity of God and also the unity of man are pre-eminently stressed. God being One also desires for mankind to be united as one in worship to Him. Unity, peace and love are elements that are demonstrated at every level of Islamic society.  Five times a day Muslims display this unity where Muslims are enjoined to line up together in prayers. Whether rich, poor, of high status or one deprived, all stand together equal, shoulder to shoulder regardless of colour, caste or creed in Prayer towards Makkah. By gathering five times a day for the same purpose, it gives the opportunity for people from all walks of life to become acquainted with one another and thus unite as a society. However, as it is difficult for all Muslims in a town or city to gather together five times a day in the same mosque, Islam enjoins that Muslims are enjoined to attend the Friday Prayers once every week and to come into contact with a wider scope of people.

But as even in the Friday Prayers, not everyone within the city or near-by areas can gather, Islam has appointed two days in the year, ‘Eid ul Fitr and ‘Eid ul Adha, for people in the country to gather together and perform prayers, normally in an open area, to allow a greater amount of Muslims to unite. Finally, Islam has ordained that once in their lives, Muslims from everywhere in the world should gather at Makkah for Hajj, the Pilgrimage to meet their brothers and sisters from every country, tribe, nation and race in a demonstration of global equality, that they may foster mutual goodwill, peace and love. Hadhrat Abdur Raheem Dard(ra)’s brilliant article, ‘Eid ul Fitr, re-published in our September 2009 Edition explains this concept in detail. Our feature article in this edition, Hajj, Pilgrimage to the House of God, provides a fascinating insight to the Great Pilgrimage to Makkah, through which Muslims display the Ultimate Unity of mankind.


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