
Rays of Wisdom for the Modern World Part 26

His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) is a beaming beacon of Divine guidance and support. His Holiness (aba) represents the highest level of connection with God in today’s world and thus he is the spiritual leader for tens of millions across the world and champions the message of fulfilling the rights owed to God and fulfilling the duties we each owe to our fellow human beings. Over the course of his Friday Sermons, addresses on various occasions, meetings with different organisations, and children’s classes, His Holiness (aba) imparts invaluable knowledge and insight on a remarkably vast array of topics.

The Review of Religions is honoured to present some of these ‘Rays of Wisdom’ from His Holiness (aba) taken from various sources, for the benefit of its readers.


Is Mercy Killing Allowed in Islam?

What Does Islam Say About the Creation of Human Civilisation?

How Can Those Living Far From Prayer Centres Offer Congregational Prayers?

What was the Rank and Purpose of the Promised Messiah (as)?

Is Mercy Killing Allowed in Islam?

In recent times, some countries have legalised the facilitating of mercy killings, in which a person who no longer wishes to live because illness has eroded their quality of life can decide to commit medically assisted suicide or voluntary euthanasia. One of the arguments for this is that a person has liberty over their own life, and should thus be free to make decisions regarding their own person. On one occasion, His Holiness (aba) was asked whether Islam allows for mercy killing:  

His Holiness (aba) replied:

‘Some elderly who have become weary of their illness go to Austria or Switzerland to have it [mercy killing] done, but Islam does not allow it. Islam says that one should persevere through their difficulties as long as Allah the Almighty has granted life. In fact, illnesses and diseases become a means for one to shed their sins. If Allah the Almighty causes a person to suffer in this world – in light of our belief that life in the hereafter is everlasting – then Allah the Almighty rewards us in the next life. That is why Allah the Almighty has prohibited mercy killing. Allah the Almighty says that the matter of life and death rests in His hand and it is wrong for one to try and assume that role from Him. 

Once, during a battle, a Muslim was fighting very well, but he also endured many injuries. The companions mentioned to the Holy Prophet (sa) that he was fighting in such an excellent manner that he was sure to be destined for heaven.

The Holy Prophet (sa) said, “no, he would go to hell.”  They were astonished to hear that despite the great way in which he was fighting, he was still going to hell. They followed him and saw that after some time, he was unable to bear the pain, so he put his sword in the ground and drove it through his stomach, committing suicide.

Just as suicide is prohibited, mercy killing is forbidden as well.’[1]

What Does Islam Say About the Creation of Human Civilisation?

The creation of our universe and human civilisation has always inspired wonder. No matter how far science has progressed, certain questions are left unanswered. While some rely on scientific theory, others only accept religious accounts of creation – some of which completely contradict scientific accounts. However, Islam’s answers to the questions of creation do not contradict science. When asked about the Islamic perspective on creation,  His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) replied:

‘The creation of the human race came through evolution, in which we believe. First, the universe was created, then the galaxy, then the earth which was a molten ball of fire, and then slowly vapours formed, and water started to fall, and it cooled down.

The fire cooled and the earth was formed. Allah the Almighty had created certain bacteria in the fire that could survive the heat, and then other life forms came into existence. It was thus that Allah the Almighty initiated evolution and created humans and animals in this world. However, evolution does not mean that humans evolved from some beetle, animal, monkey or anything else. Humans were humans, who gradually developed through evolution to the stage that humans are at today.

Earlier humans lived in caves during the stone age or lived in the jungle and ate foliage. Then the agriculture developed, and then humans slowly progressed to the computer age of today.

However, in previous times, there were many intellectual minds. There were the people during the time of Pharaoh who built the pyramids. Yet the engineers of today still do not understand how such heavy blocks of stone were lifted up. Then there is the Alhambra in Spain [that was built] in the Muslim era, 1,200-1,300 years ago in which a water system was developed that caused the water to rise up on its own. The engineers of today have tried opening it up to try and understand how the water would be pushed up. When they opened the pipe, they were unable to put it back together. So now a pump pushes the water up to the Alhambra’s rooftop garden. Hence, they had their own scientific developments and now science has developed even further. Despite this, some things from those older periods of time are still not understood by the scientists of today. 

In any case, an evolution took place whereby lesser forms of humans in the jungles gradually developed into the humans of today. As for how Allah the Almighty initiated civilisation on earth, He would have created a human, then one multiplied to two, then three and so on. But this is something that took place billions of years ago. This did not begin 6,000 years ago with Adamas; rather, this was something which had started long before. There have been many Adams.’[2]

How Can Those Living Far From Prayer Centres Offer Congregational Prayers?

Offering the five daily prayers is one of the fundamental pillars of Islam. It gives one the opportunity to supplicate and present their entreaties before God, the Creator and Lord of All the Worlds. An integral part of offering the five daily prayers is doing so in congregation at a mosque or a centre dedicated for the purpose of offering prayers. At times it might be the case that one resides at a distance from the prayer centre making it difficult for them to regularly offer their prayers there. Once, someone asked His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) how one can offer congregational prayers if they live far from the prayer centre. This prompted the following exchange and answer:

His Holiness (aba): ‘Is there no other home [nearby]?’

Questioner: ‘No, Your Holiness.’

His Holiness (aba): ‘You can offer prayer [at home] after calling the adhan [call to prayer]. How far is the prayer centre?’

Questioner: ‘The closest one is 13 kilometres away.’

His Holiness (aba): ‘How are the road conditions?’

Questioner: ‘Your Holiness, it is a small town that I have to pass through so there is not much traffic on the roads.’

His Holiness (aba): ‘Do you have a car?’

Questioner: ‘Yes, Your Holiness.’

His Holiness (aba): ‘How is your car? Is it a good car?’

Questioner: ‘Yes, Your Holiness.’

His Holiness (aba): ‘Then you can go and offer at least one congregational prayer at the centre. If it is a matter of 13 kilometres then it will probably take you about 20 minutes [to get there]. You can go and easily offer prayers in 20 minutes. You should allocate petrol money in order to go and offer prayers and then there will be blessings in that money as a result. Sometimes a person earns, yet their earnings are devoid of blessings. However, there are some who earn less, but their earnings become blessed. Allah the Almighty is the One Who bestows blessings; if you do something even small for the sake of Allah then He will grant it His blessings. You should also try to establish more Ahmadis around your area so that there can be a centre closer to you in one of the homes. If nothing else can be done and the situation is unavoidable, then you can gather your wife and children [to offer prayers]. If a person is bound [by their circumstances] then that is a separate matter, however, if they are not bound and live only 4-5 kilometres away and can afford it, then they should go [to the prayer centre]. One should go [to the prayer centre] to offer prayer as much as they can afford to. There shouldn’t be any excuses made. One should ask their own conscience and their heart as to whether their reasoning is valid or not. One does not require the edicts of other clerics.’[3]

What was the Rank and Purpose of the Promised Messiah (as)?

Portrait of the Promised Messiah (as) & Imam Mahdi (Guided One), Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as)

One of the greatest lies that opponents of Ahmadiyyat have spread is that, God forbid, Ahmadis believe the Promised Messiah (as) to have a greater rank than the Holy Prophet (sa). It is most unfortunate that this is the rhetoric that they spew, whereas if they actually took the time to learn about the Promised Messiah’s (as) teachings, they would learn that the Promised Messiah (as) claimed complete subservience to the Holy Prophet (sa) and it was only under his shadow that the Promised Messiah (as) was bestowed the rank he was given by God. It was thus that he was commissioned to spread God’s message throughout the entire world.

On this topic, His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) once said:

‘Those people who assert that we consider the status of the Holy Prophet (sa) to be inferior to the Promised Messiah (as) (heaven forbid) are guilty of a grave injustice. Even at present, this very allegation is being used against Ahmadis in Algeria and as a result of it, they are being thrown in jail –to the extent that now they have even detained women and begun filing lawsuits against them. Women, along with their young babies, who are a few months old and only drink [their mothers] milk, are made to travel for hours to reach another city, where they face prosecution and jail. However, the message I am receiving from those women is the same, and that is, “We have accepted the Promised Messiahas and only after this have we understood the true meaning of tauhid[the oneness of God] and also the true rank and status of the Holy Prophet (sa) and what it means to have love for him. How then can we revert from our faith?”

Whilst we pray for Ahmadis to be relieved of their difficulties in that country, at the same time we also pray to God Almighty for Him to grant the Muslims the opportunity to accept the ardent devotee of the Holy Prophet (sa); the one who was sent to establish the oneness of God and also responsible for the spread of the revival of Islam. One can observe the Promised Messiah’s (as) love for God Almighty and his desire to spread the oneness of God from the following words. Whilst addressing God Almighty, the Promised Messiah (as) states:

“[Dear Lord] Behold! My soul ascends towards Thee with the utmost certainty, just as a bird soars towards its nest. Thus, I desire from Thee a sign of Thy existence, not for the sake of my honour and nor for any personal gain, rather so that people recognise Thee and identify Thy virtuous paths, lest they deviate from guidance by declaring the one who has been sent to be false. I bear witness that Thou hast sent me indeed and Thou hast bestowed countless signs for my truthfulness, to the extent that Thou commandest the sun and the moon to eclipse in the month of Ramadan, in accordance with the dates mentioned in the prophecy. I have recognised Thee, and Thou art my Lord. Therefore my soul rushes towards Thee just as a suckling baby leaps towards its mother upon seeing her. Alas! The majority of the people have not recognised me, nor have they accepted me.”[4]

From this, we can see the love of God and the Promised Messiah’s (as) yearning to establish His grandeur, and at the same time one can clearly see his urge to save humanity, and why would he not be; for he was the one sent in the latter days in subservience to the Holy Prophet (sa), in order to instil the love of God Almighty in the hearts of the people. He not only established this, but he himself was absorbed in the love of God Almighty. He had a deep yearning for the spark of the ardent love of God Almighty to be ignited in the hearts of the people.’[5]


[1] ‘This Week With Huzoor’ – 26th April 2019. 

[2] Meeting with Khuddam from Belgium – 15th June 2019.

[3] ‘This Week With Huzoor, Europe Tour 2019 – Part 2’.

[4] Tiryaq al-QulubRuhani Khaza’in, Vol. 15 (Islam International Publications Ltd., 1984) 115.

[5] Friday Sermon – 24th March 2017.