The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa)

Friday Sermon Summary February 7 2025: ‘The Battle of Khaibar & Appeal for Prayers in Light of the Condition of the World’

After reciting Tashahhud, Ta‘awwuz and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) said that he would continue mentioning details regarding the Battle of Khaibar.

His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad

His Holiness (aba) said that under the leadership of the Holy Prophet (sa), an army of 1,600 Muslims set out from Madinah. The Holy Prophet (sa) also sent an envoy ahead of the army to gather information and check the paths the army would take. This envoy was led by Hazrat Abbad bin Bishr (ra). 

His Holiness (aba) said that the Muslim army would stop along the way at different places. One of those places was called Sahba where the Holy Prophet (sa) rested, prayed and also ate. One night, as the army proceeded, there could be something shining up ahead. When the Holy Prophet (sa) had this investigated, it turned out to be a member of the Muslim army who had proceeded ahead of the army and the moonlight was reflecting on his helmet. The Holy Prophet (sa) summoned him and told him that he should not abandon the army ranks but should rather remain within the army ranks. This person turned out to be another one of the companions who did not have any means to leave anything for his family or to join the army. The Holy Prophet (sa) granted him his sheet, which the companion sold for eight dirhams. He used two dirhams to buy food for his family and then used the rest to buy a sheet and joined the army. The Holy Prophet (sa) smiled upon learning of what the companion had done with the sheet he had given him and said that there would come a time when he would not be stricken by such poverty. It so happened that everything that the Holy Prophet (sa) said to that companion, Abu ‘Abs (ra), came to pass. 

Allah’s Support of the Holy Prophet (sa) & the Muslims in Spite of the Banu Ghatafan’s Aid to Khaibar

His Holiness (aba) said that the Holy Prophet (sa) had learned that the Banu Ghatafan had vowed to help Khaibar and had set out with an army of 4,000, planning to attack the Muslim army before they could even reach Khaibar. The Holy Prophet (sa) contacted the Banu Ghatafan by way of a letter advising them to stay out of this battle between the Muslims and Khaibar, saying that God had promised him victory over Khaibar. However, seeing that the Muslims only had 1,600 soldiers and contrasting it with the might of the Jewish fortresses and army, this warning from the Holy Prophet (sa) was disregarded. 

His Holiness (aba) said that the Holy Prophet (sa) said he had been helped by the mighty awe of God. This manifested once again in this instance with the Banu Ghatafan. Their army of 4,000 had set out to stop the Muslim army; however, due to some reason, the army of the Banu Ghatafan suddenly turned around and returned home. It is written that the soldiers heard a loud voice behind them proclaiming that the Muslims were attacking their homes, and so out of fear, they returned to their homes. There was no person who said this; rather, this was an instance of God’s help and his voice which reached their ears. 

His Holiness (aba) said that the Holy Prophet (sa) continued his journey and reached the fortresses of Khaibar towards the evening. Upon arriving, the Holy Prophet (sa) instructed the Companions to wait, and he prayed for victory. Then the Holy Prophet (sa) instructed the Companions to proceed. The Jews took pride and security in their fortresses and thus didn’t think that the Holy Prophet (sa) would ever engage in battle with them. However, the next morning when the Jews emerged from their fortresses and saw the Holy Prophet (sa) standing outside, they ran back inside and hid. 

Number of Fortresses of Khaibar & Commencement of the Battle

His Holiness (aba) said that there are varying records regarding the number of fortresses in Khaibar. Khaibar was divided into three parts; Natat, which had three fortresses, Shikk, which had two fortresses, and Katiba, which had three fortresses. 

His Holiness (aba) said that before the battle started, the Holy Prophet (sa) addressed the Muslims and advised them not to desire to come face to face with the enemy but should seek peace from God. When they did come face to face with the enemy, they should pray for God’s help. Then, the Holy Prophet (sa) instructed the companions to remain patient. First, the Na’im fortress which was considered to be the strongest fortress. The Muslims fought a fierce battle. The Holy Prophet (sa) was riding a horse, wearing two layers of armour with a sword and shield in hand. Hazrat Mahmud bin Maslamah (ra) was martyred in this battle. 50 Muslims were wounded as a result of the arrows fired by the Jews. This fortress was under the leadership of Marhab, who was considered the fiercest and most renowned Jewish warrior. It is recorded that this battle continued for ten days. 

His Holiness (aba) said that one day during that battle, Marhab came out of the fortress and started waving his sword as he challenged the Muslims. Hazrat Amir bin Akwa’ (ra) emerged from the Muslim army. The two had a battle which ultimately led to the martyrdom of Hazrat Amir (ra), making him the second martyr of this battle. The Holy Prophet (sa) commended him saying that he was very brave, and there were very few as brave as him.

Victory Prophesied through Hazrat Ali (ra)

His Holiness (aba) said that over the course of ten days, the Jews continued growing in confidence. Finally, one night, the Holy Prophet (sa) said that the next day he would grant the Islamic flag to someone at whose hands the Muslims would realise victory. The next morning, everyone went to the Holy Prophet (sa) to see who the flag would be granted to. The Holy Prophet (sa) asked for Hazrat Ali (ra), who was experiencing an ailment of the eyes. The Holy Prophet (sa) brought him near, placed his saliva in his eyes and he was cured as if the ailment had never existed. Then, the Holy Prophet (sa) prayed for Hazrat Ali (ra) and then granted him the flag. Then, God granted such strength to the Muslim army that they were victorious by that very evening. Marhab, the fierce Jewish soldier, was also killed that day during the battle. 

His Holiness (aba) said that he would carry on mention of this in future.

Masjid Mubarak drone shot

Appeal for Prayers in Light of Dire Circumstances of the World

His Holiness (aba) said that he has been appealing for prayers in light of the condition of the world and the Muslims in particular. People were of the opinion that the circumstances of the Palestinians would improve after the ceasefire was agreed. However, they are only worsening. The policies and schemes of the new president of the US have reached new heights of injustice, and he is now a threat to the whole world, not just to the US.

His Holiness (aba) prayed that Allah Almighty grants mercy to the Palestinians and the world in general. His Holiness (aba) said that the Arab nations need to open their eyes and see that they cannot do anything without first uniting. If not, then they too will have to face great hardships ahead. Yes, there are voices being raised against these injustices, but the ones with power are silent and unwilling to listen to anyone. 

His Holiness (aba) said that we must focus even more on prayer, for we have no power aside from prayer. 

His Holiness (aba) said that the situation in Pakistan and Bangladesh is worsening; hence, we should pray for the Ahmadis there also. His Holiness (aba) prayed that Allah Almighty keeps everyone who is being wronged and persecuted under His protection and may the world come to its senses.

Summary prepared by The Review of Religions