The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) used to stand up to tyrannical enemies in support of the wronged person. Abu Jahl bought a camel from al-Arashi, a stranger and was delaying the payment of the agreed price. Al-Arashi sought help from a group of Quraish. He said, ‘I am a stranger in this land. Is there anyone who can get my right from Abu Jahl, who is usurping it?’ The chiefs of Quraish, by way of mockery, pointed to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) and said that this man could get your money back from Abu Jahl.
Al-Arashi went to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) and, after calling blessing on him, requested his help against Abu Jahl. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) accompanied him. The chiefs of Quraish sent someone to follow the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) and see what treatment was meted out to him. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) knocked at the door; Abu Jahl enquired as to who it was. The Holy Prophet (sa) replied that he was Muhammad and asked him to come out. Seeing the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa), Abu Jahl went pale with fear. The Holy Prophet (sa) asked him to pay that person’s due. Abu Jahl said he would give his due. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) said that he would not leave the place unless he paid up. Abu Jahl went inside, brought the money and paid up, only then did the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) leave the place. Al-Arashi came back to the chiefs of Quraish and said, ‘May Allah reward Muhammad (sa), who helped me to get my money.’
In the meantime, the person sent for snooping returned as well. He said, ‘I saw a strange sight today. As soon as Muhammad (sa) asked Abu Jahl to pay Al-Arashi’s money, he complied immediately and paid up.’
A little while later, Abu Jahl arrived. They asked him as to what came over him. Abu Jahl said, ‘As soon as I heard Muhammad’s (sa) voice, I was awe-stricken. When I came out, I saw a fearsome camel near Muhammad’s (sa) head. Had I refused to pay, this camel would have torn me apart.’
Muhammad (sa)– The Perfect Man (Qadian, India: Nazarat Isha’at, 2015), 257-258.
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