The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa)

A Glimpse into the Life of the Holy Prophet (sa) – The Holy Prophet’s (sa) Integrity and Honesty

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‘Verily, Allah, commands you to make over the trusts to those entitled to them.’ [1]

In the shariah [religious law] of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa), this is the basic teaching for safeguarding trusts. The most trustworthy persons in the world are the prophets of God, who convey His message without any discrepancy, to His creation. For this reason, the Holy Qur’an recorded the claim of so many prophets as ‘I am the trustworthy prophet of God.’ The glorious aspect of our Prophet’s (sa) character is that God Himself testified to his trustworthiness. God says, ‘Obeyed there, and faithful to his trust.’ [2]

‘Verily, We offered the Trust to the heavens and the earth, and the mountains, but they refused to bear it and were afraid of it. But the man bore it.’ [3]

The heaven was unable to carry this trust. They drew lots, and the heavy burden fell on the shoulder of this passionate devotee. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) discharged the onus of his trusts and taught the same to his followers.

‘Surely success does come to the believers…and who are watchful of their trusts and their covenants.’ [4]

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) said, ‘A person who does not fulfil his trust is devoid of faith.’

The basis of honesty and integrity is purity, fidelity and veracity. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) was distinct in this respect to the extent that the people of Makkah gave him the titles of Amin [trustworthy] and Sadiq [truthful] and used to deposit their trusts with him without any apprehension.

There is a strong connection between faith and trustworthiness. This is the distinctive quality of the teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa). When Heraclius, the emperor, asked Abu Sufyan what the Prophet (sa) taught them, Abu Sufyan testified that he taught the worship of God, truthfulness, chastity, honouring the promises and fulfilment of trusts. Hearing this, Heraclius exclaimed spontaneously that these are the qualities of a prophet.


[1] The Holy Qur’an, 4:59.

[2] The Holy Qur’an, 81:22.

[3] The Holy Qur’an, 33:73.

[4] The Holy Qur’an, 23:2,9.

Muhammad (sa) – The Perfect Man (Qadian, India: Nazarat Isha’at, 2015), 225-226.