
New Openings of Preaching in Ghana

New Openings of Preaching in Ghana Address delivered by Maulvi A. Wahab Adam, Ameer & Missionary-ln-Charge, Ghana, at the U.K. Annual Conference held at Islamabad, Tilford, on Thursday 25th to Saturday 27th July, 1986. Only a few years back, Africa witnessed one of the most devastating calamities on the continent. 150 million people were threatened by famine. An estimated 10 million people left their homes and wandered helplessly in search of food and water. In Sudan alone, one million people reportedly died as a result of the drought that spread untold misery and havoc across the length and breadth of the continent. As if that was not enough there were locust and grasshopper infestations too! The situation was so critical that for a time the nations of the world — be they of the West or the East, the South or the North, rightists or leftists, liberals or radicals — all forgot their mutual rivalry and vied with one another in rushing supplies to the affected areas of the continent! There was an urgency about the situation. Misery was to be minimised, disease was to be combated; the hungry were to be fed; lives were to be saved! This apparently unselfish attempt to bring solace to suffering humanity was indeed most laudable and should go down in history as a golden period of man’s humanity to man •—• an occasion when man, for once, rose above political, ethnic, and geographic boundaries and stood up as one man to show solidarity with his brother man. It may not be out of place to mention here that on the directives of our beloved Spritual leader, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih, the Ahmadiyya Movement also contributed its widow’s mite to the Ghana Government to help alleviate the suffering of the afflicted. 6 REVIEW OF RELIGIONS Even the more important than the Movement’s material contribution was the special supplication offered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih which attracted the mercy of Allah and poured down in the form of rain. Our experience in Ghana is that the very day and time that supplications were being offered at the Aqsa Mosque at Rabwah for rain, it was on that very day and time that Ghana had its first showers after a long spell of drought. Those showers continued to re-shape the course of events in Ghana and the continent! When I cast my mind back at those terrible days, I ask myself: Could anything be more terrifying for Africa? I am tempted to answer no; but then I quickly change my mind because I realise that all those miseries and suffering pertain to the body. Man is not made only of flesh and bones! It is not difficult for anybody with the least spiritual perception to realise that an even worse affliction is the disease and death of the soul! It is imperative, therefore, that we strain every nerve to save Africa from this type of disease and death! I shall tell you why. It is reported in the Traditions that in the latter days an African from Habsh (Abyssinia), would attempt to destroy the Ka’abah. This is a Tradition that must have been read by countless numbers of Muslim Scholars. It required, however, the spiritual insight of Hazrat Musleh Mauood, Khalifatul Masih II (may Allah be pleased with him) to realise the true import of the Tradition. According to the history of the Ahmadiyya Movement it is this Hadith that drew the attention of Hazrat Musleh Mauood to the need to send out missionaries to Africa. The Ka’abah symbolises the unity of Allah. It is the symbol of Islam. It stands for Muslim solidarity. It represents all that is dear to all true Muslims. Attempting to destroy the Ka’abah would, therefore, mean attempting to destroy the very basis of Islam! It is only an enemy of Islam who would attempt to perpetrate such an ungodly act. To Hazrat Musleh Mauood, therefore, the answer was simple. Preaching Islam to Africans Islam should be vigorously preached to all Africans and indeed, to all people of African descent. They would then embrace Islam. They then would be imbued with the love of Allah and the love of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (on whom be peace). NEW OPENINGS OF PREACHING IN GHANA 7 Through this way they would not even think of destroying the Ka’abah. They would rather sacrifice their all, including their lives, in defence of the Ka’abah! Hazrat Musleh Mauood proceeded to send missionaries to Africa. And this is how Ahmadiyyat, that is, Islam in its pristine purity, came to be introduced to Africa, which included the then Gold Coast, now Ghana, in 1921. Early Missionaries It is a well known fact that Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV, the present Head of the Ahmadiyya Movement, has been laying very great stress on the propagation of Islam. In one of his expositions of the subject, he assembled facts to demonstrate the truth that those who believe in the unity, equality and the worth of man also believe in the sharing of their wealth, be it material or spiritual, with other men. Contrary doctrines and practices have been responsible for man’s arrogance and have led to the perpetration of such injustices, atrocities and callousness which have shamed all decent men. Being a universal religion, it is the distinction of Islam that its adherents firmly believe in the unity, equality and the worth of man. A Muslim, therefore, has no option but to be a sharer of his wealth with others, and what wealth is more precious than the wealth of faith? Every true Muslim has no alternative but to be a preacher. Preaching means sharing our spiritual wealth with others. Preaching is unselfish. Preaching is sublime. Our Spiritual Leader has also initiated scientific and revolutionary methods of preaching calculated to yield very rapid results despite the limitation of our membership and resources. In one of his spiritual discourses he described an Ahmadi Muslim as one who is responsive — responsive to the behests of his Creator and responsive also to the call of his Spiritual Leader. It is not surprising, therefore, that the community in Ghana should have heeded his passionate call in which he said: ” If you love Islam even then, and if you love your country, in that case too, it is incumbent upon you to convey the message of Islam to your compatriots.” A comprehensive plan was accordingly drawn up. The first point for consideration was the selection of a region for the scheme. 8 REVIEW OF RELIGIONS Here again, we were guided by a hint contained in an answer by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV to a keen enquirer here in London. Virgin Lands Answering a question on the future of Ahmadiyyat in Australia, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih is reported to have said the future of Ahmadiyyat in Australia is bright and the basis of that conviction was that the land of Australia was, in spiritual terms, a virgin land. Quoting from the Bible, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih explained further that it had been predicted that virgins would wait anxiously for the advent of the bridegroom. The bridegroom was, it was further explained, no other than the Promised Messiah, on whom be peace, who was to appear in the spirit and power of the first Messiah. The virgins represented such areas in the world as were comparatively untouched by the message of Ahmadiyyat. Such areas, figuratively, were like the bride who anxiously awaited the bridegroom. It was his conviction that such virgin lands would be most receptive to the message of Ahmadiyyat the true Islam. Taking a cue from this exposition, the Eastern Region of Ghana was selected from among the ten regions of the country for the special preaching effort because being predominantly populated by Presbyterian Christians, the Eastern Region of Ghana was one of the most “virgin” regions of the country. Forty towns and villages were chosen for coverage in a preaching programme. Two volunteers were required to concentrate their full attention on each town or village continuously for one month. Having mapped out the areas of operation, the question of preaching aids was considered. These were preaching cassettes, public address systems, tilly lamps to provide light at night (in Ghana most preaching meetings are held at night) and suitable literature in the form of pamphlets and tracts. In the Twi language, also known as Akan, Fante, or Ashanti, the Ghana Mission has so far produced preaching cassettes on eighteen topics of mutual interest to Muslims and Christians and for Ahmadi Muslims and non-Ahmadi Muslims. Apart from these, the Ghana Mission has produced cassettes on subjects pertaining to certain peculiar local beliefs. Preaching cassettes have also been produced in the Ga language which is spoken mainly in the Ghanaian capital, in Ewe which is spoken in the Volta Region of Ghana and in Wali which is spoken in the Upper Region of Ghana. NEW OPENINGS OF PREACHING IN GHANA 9 Since the Eastern Region is a Twi-speaking region, for the purpose of the special preaching effort, twelve Twi preaching cassettes were carefully selected for their relevance to the conditions of the region. To give you a rough idea, the Christians in the region have been sympathetically schooled to believe that the progeny of Hazrat Hajrah (Hagar) (on whom be peace) could not have been favoured with the elevated spiritual position of prophethood, because Hazrat Hajra (Hagar) (on whom be peace) was a hand maid! To combat these misconceptions our preachers had to be equipped with preaching cassettes to refute these misrepresentations of facts. The approval of the plan was received through a letter which also contained soul-stirring supplications in favour of all participants in the effort. No sooner was the plan unfolded at a National Annual Conference, volunteer preachers eagerly submitted their names for the blessed task. Although only 80 volunteer preachers were required nearly 200 veteran preachers volunteered themselves straight away. Then men and women vied with one another in promising preaching aids to help make the venture a success. A healthy competition began between the Lajna Imaillah, Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya and the Majlis Ansarullah organisations in providing the required 600 Preaching Cassettes for the campaign. As always, the Lajna Imaillah (ladies organisation) outstripped the other two organisations in voluntary contributions towards the attainment of the community’s noble objective! Then came the commencement day. It was planned that the commencement day should be on a Friday. Preachers converged on Accra from various parts of Ghana. No Turning Back: There was a man from Abura called Mr. Luqman Ahmad. When he went to Accra, his nikah (marriage) had been solemnised only a day earlier and he had, therefore, planned to return from Accra to his home town for the Waleemah (marriage party) which follows the consummation of the marriage. However, in Accra, when in the course of the sermon he heard a narrative about Hazrat Sa’ad-ul-Aswad, he immediately changed his mind. It is a well-known incident which is recorded in the Traditions. Hazrat Sa’ad-ul- Aswad had, after his marriage, gone to the market place to purchase gifts for his bride when it was announced that the services of Muslim volunteers were required to ward off military aggression against Islam by the idolaters of 10 ” REVIEW OF RELIGIONS Mecca. Hearing the announcement, he purchased, instead of gifts for the bride, defensive weapons and hurried to the war front. History records the tragic fact that he did not return to his home from the battle field. He laid down his life in defence of Islam! It is said that when the Holy Prophet of Islam (on whom be peace) got to know of the martyrdom of Hazrat Sa’ad-ul-Aswad, he called for the body, laid him on his lap and prayed for his spiritual elevation in paradise. On hearing the narrative, Mr. Luqman Ahmad immediately decided not to return to his home for the consummation of his marriage. He only sent a message to his bride that he was on his way to the Eastern Region to call people towards Allah! The prayers offered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV for the participants brought numerous fruitful results. I would like to relate one inspiring incident. There is an ardent preacher called Mr. Musah Amoah of Kumasi who had been suffering from hernia for some time. A little before the commencement of the preaching campaign, he had felt he could not participate in the preaching effort because the pain of the hernia worsened when he spoke loudly. Considering the blessings involved, he decided to j oin the preachers to the Eastern Region despite the hernia. On reaching his station, he was shown in a dream that he was being prepared for a hernia operation. The preparation over, an operation was conducted. When he woke up the hernia had completely vanished! By the grace of Allah, since that day he has been fully cured of hernia! The reason for selecting the Eastern Region for the preaching effort has already been mentioned. Yet there were many who thought that the Eastern Region being a predominantly Presbyterian area, would cause preachers to meet with difficulties. However, by the grace of Allah, as many as 546 souls were won to Islam in the Eastern Region of Ghana in the course of one month and in the process, 14 new communities were created. What is even more heartening is that some of these new converts instantly became Callers Towards Allah themselves. There was one, Mr. Issah, who immediately set out to convert all the members of his family when the truth of Islam dawned on him and by the grace of Allah, success attended his efforts because Mr. Isaah, his wife and neighbour have so far been converted by him. Moral Training In his special message to the Ghana community Hazrat Khalifatul Masih had urged the community not only to win converts to Islam but also to NEW OPENINGS OF PREACHING IN GHANA 11 consolidate their gains by organising religious education and moral training for the new converts. To this end, not only were voluntary Imams sent to all the new stations to help give religious instructions to the new converts but also squads were sent to all the newly created communities to help find suitable places for worship. The Begoro House In the course of that search, an extraordinary thing happened. There is a town called Begoro. Members of the squad which had been sent there to find a place for worship for the new converts were told of a building •—• a well built double-storey building — which had stood in the town unoccupied for nearly fifty years! It is believed that the house is haunted by ghosts and evil spirits and that anybody who would live in it would instantly die! Nobody knows how this belief originated but there is no doubt that the townsmen become scared on the mere mention of the building! The most astonishing thing is that almost all the inhabitants of the town are Christians but they subscribe to these superstitious beliefs! The Community decided to acquire the building and use it as a Mission House to convince the townsmen that Islam inculcates in its adherents such implicit faith in Allah as completely precludes belief in lesser gods including ghosts and evil spirits! The building measures 62 feet by 34 feet and contains two halls, and nine bedrooms. In Ghana today, any building of that size would cost not less than two million cedis but, because the building could not be put to any use by the owners, it was offered to the Jama’at for only two hundred thousand cedis. We have locally acquired the building and presently the building is being renovated for a grand formal opening which is intended to be converted into an effective mission centre — God willing. Indutech ’86 Another significant break-through in the field of preaching was achieved at an International Industrial Fair held in Accra in March this year. Twenty-five foreign nations and five hundred and three Ghanaian organisations participated in the fair which was the first of its kind to be held in Ghana. It lasted fifteen days and as many as five hundred thousand people visited it on weekdays and more over weekends. In all, five million people visited the fair during the course of fifteen days. 12 REVIEW OF RELIGIONS The tremendous interest of people in the fair compelled the organisers to extend the original duration of the fair by five more days. It was so successful, that UNIDO has recommended that it should be used as a model for future fairs in Third World Countries. By the grace of Allah, the Ahmadiyya community was the only Muslim religious organisation to have seen the need to participate in the fair to impress on the minds of Muslims and non-Muslims alike what an organised Muslim religious Community can do in the fields of education, health and agriculture. In countries where Islam is generally equated with ignorance and backwardness, one can imagine the impact that our participation in the fair could create for Islam. The community acquired a pavilion which was most strategically located, in the sense that by virtue of its location, no visitor to the fair could miss it. A team of Pakistani and Ghanaian Ahmadi artists from the University of Science and Technology and from our Secondary Schools and Training College worked day and night for about a month to assemble items for the exhibition. These included all the translations of the Holy Quran published by the Ahmadiyya Community in various countries of the world, other books and periodicals in all the principal languages of the world, maps of Ghana and of the world specially designed on attractive fibre glass showing the location of our missions in Ghana and all the continents of the globe, the Community’s educational and health institutions as well as our agricultural projects. Preaching cassettes in various languages were also exhibited. Video shows at one side of the pavilion featured spiritual discourses by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV, exposition of Islam in Arabic and local Ghanaian languages as well as the Community’s preaching activities both in the country and abroad. These attracted large crowds. Another exhibit which attracted great attention was the sample of wheat that had been successfully cultivated on the Community’s farm in the Northern Region of Ghana. It is generally believed that wheat would not grow in Ghana. This is the opinion of all the agricultural experts in the country. Is it not ironical that having been schooled to be bread-eaters we have been brainwashed to believe that we cannot grow wheat so that we depend on other nations all the time for its importation! Our first successful experiment of wheat cultivation in Ghana and the exhibition at our pavilion of a sample of that wheat grown on our farm could not have failed to impress both foreign and local visitors to our pavilion. NEW OPENINGS OF PREACHING IN GHANA 13 The country’s Secretary of State for Industries, who was among the distinguished visitors to our pavilion, summed up his impressions in our visitor’s book as “Impressive”. Other distinguished visitors included envoys of various countries, industrialists, clergymen and university dons. Also at our stand were veteran missionaries and preachers who sold and distributed literature and cassettes and also answered questions on Islam from visitors. Our artists had made a conscientious effort to give our pavilion the appearance of a mosque with Moorish architecture which was, in itself, a great attraction. It was not surprising, therefore, that hundreds of thousands of men and women from all walks of life from both Ghana and abroad visited our pavilion and were most impressed with whatever they saw and heard. These impressions have been preserved for posterity in a visitor’s book. Most heartening was the fact that our pavilion was of special attraction to Arab visitors who did not only admire the Community’s activities which had been vividly portrayed at our pavilion but also glanced through the Arabic literature and were completely surprised and overwhelmed to realise, after all the false propaganda against our Community, that Ahmadiyyat is no other than the true Islam. They gladly received the Community’s literature and insisted on paying for it. They would remark after taking a close look at copies of our Holy Quran and Muslim Prayer Book that the Community’s Quran and prayer were no different from the Holy Quran and the Muslim prayer that they knew! Mention should be made also of another break-through which was achieved with the active support and co-operation of Ahmadi students at various Universities, Secondary Schools, Teacher Training Colleges and Polytechnics in Ghana. The Ahmadiyya Movement has been instrumental in the founding of an all-embracing Muslim Students Union in Ghana as far back as 1970. However, of late, due to pressure by certain anti-Islamic forces which are always scared of the dynamism of the Ahmadiyya Jama’at, Ahmadi students were not being given the chance to participate fully in the organisation. The need was felt, therefore, of setting up an Ahmadiyya Muslim Students Union. This organisation was established and embracing all Ahmadi students in the 3 universities of Ghana and all high schools and colleges in the country. By the grace of Allah, this year, the AMSUG (Ahmadiyya Muslim Students Union of Ghana), was formally registered. 14 REVIEW OF RELIGIONS The organisation has made every effort through personal contact and distribution of preaching cassettes and literature, to introduce Ahmadiyyat to students and lecturers of Secondary Schools, Training Colleges and the Universities. This year activities of the AMSUG culminated in the holding of its first National Congress at the University of Science & Technology in Kumasi which was unique in the impact that it created on the intellectuals of the country. Another major opening in the field of preaching is the significant role played by the community hi recent years in influencing the reformation of certain laws of Ghana to meet the aspirations of all Muslims in the country. Due to the fact that right from the colonisation of Ghana up to the present tune, the administering authorities, including the executive and the legislative branches of the Government have been controlled by Christian influences, all the laws governing all aspects of life of the citizens, irrespective of their religious inclination, have been heavily Christian biased. Thus, the inheritance laws of Ghana had not taken cognisance of Islamic law on the matter. The only law that was passed by the colonialists some 71 years ago for Muslims known as “the Marriage of Muhammadan Ordinance” had serious shortcomings and remained largely inapplicable while it existed. The law was abolished when the Ahmadiyya Movement called for its abolition but our request for a more acceptable law to substitute it was not satisfactorily answered. A general law was then passed to apply to all the people of Ghana but the law still did not fully meet the aspirations of Muslims in as far as the Islamic law of inheritance is concerned. The Community, therefore, demanded of the authorities the passing of a separate law of Marriage and Inheritance for Muslims and by the grace of Allah, the Secretary of State for Justice & Attorney General of Ghana has accepted our demand so that the Government is going to pass a separate law on inheritance for Muslims. The Community’s proposals on the law have already been submitted to the Attorney General & Secretary of State for Justice. So by the grace of Allah, the Community has, once again, been given the honour of successfully championing the cause of the Muslims of Ghana. The Community’s contribution to the review of outmoded laws in the country has been accorded such recognition by the Ghana Law Reform Commission that there is hardly any law in the course of whose review the Community’s views have not been sought. In fact the Commission has admitted that in considering the prohibition of Marriage within certain degrees of relationship, whole passages have been NEW OPENINGS OF PREACHING IN GHANA 15 literally lifted from the Holy Quran and incorporated into the Marriage Law being drafted for the whole of Ghana. The impact of the newsmedia, especially radio and television, cannot be over-emphasised in the field of preaching. Apart from the Community’s participation in such popular radio and T. V. programmes as Reflections, Talking Point, etc, all important activities of the Community are given wide publicity in the country’s news media. In spite of that, it is still felt that Muslims have a right to a more equitable air space on the country’s radio and television for their religious programmes, in accordance with the Instrument of Incorporation of the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation which stipulates that all the views of the country will be represented. To this end, we have initiated serious discussions with the Director General of the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation. No doubt, he is sympathetic towards the Muslim cause. Yet, it would be naive to expect him to give us our rights on a silver platter. Ghanaian Ahmadi experts have, therefore, assembled certain vital statistical data to back our demand. For instance, it has been discovered that of a total of 11,240 hours of broadcast, only 539.52 hours have been allotted to religious broadcast and out of this only 26 hours have been allotted to Muslim religious broadcast thus making Muslim religious broadcast constitute only 4.8 per cent of the total air time allotted for religious programmes. Armed with these facts, we are sure to succeed in our bid to wage a just war on behalf of the general body of Muslims in Ghana. In view of the fact that the radio and television are powerful instruments for the dissemination of information, our success in obtaining equitable air space for regular Muslim religious broadcasts will be a major break-through in our bid to let our message reach everybody in Ghana. The most recent significant opening of preaching is the publication of the French translation of the Holy Quran. There is no doubt that Ahmadiyyat is better known in the English-speaking countries of West Africa than their neighbouring French-speaking countries. The only explanation for this is the language barrier which prevents active contact with our neighbours. Not long ago, when the French translation of the Holy Quran reached us, a programme was initiated to present copies of the Holy Quran to the envoys of French-speaking countries in Accra and their reaction is better seen than explained. They were, without exception, so enthused and excited about the publication that their reaction was that of promise of support and active co-operation in introducing Ahmadiyyat to their respective countries. I have tried so far to give as briefly as possible an .account of group preaching in Ghana. The truth is, in line with the emphasis being laid by our 16 REVIEW OF RELIGIONS beloved Spiritual Leader, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV, on individual preaching, every nerve is being strained to win souls for Islam through individual preaching also. Anecdote: I would like to relate an interesting anecdote narrated by a brother Ahwadi in Ghana in the person of Dr. Mubarik Osei-Kwasi, a Ghanaian Research fellow at the Nugouchi Institute of Medical Research Centre (N.I.M.R.) at the University of Ghana. He was on a public transport vehicle in Accra when he met a journalist from Somalia. After the usual exchange of greetings, he started to preach to him. The man listened attentively. Dr. Mubarik revealed to him that he was an Ahmadi and the man could not hide his surprise and admiration. He said, while in Europe, he had gone to see a dentist and as he worked on his teeth, he also preached to him. It was not difficult to see that he too was a member of the Ahmadiyya Movement. When he reached Ghana he then met me. He then said that one thing is quite clear to him. If he knew nothing at all, he knew one thing for sure, and it is this that the main pre-occupation of Ahmadi Muslims all over the world is preaching! I am glad to say that this main occupation of Ahmadi Muslims all over the world is being observed very well by individual Ahmadis in Ghana. Conversion of Priests Through the efforts of individual Callers Towards Allah the conversion rate in Ghana has, by the grace of Allah, not only increased but also, of late, the frequency of conversion of Christian clergymen to Islam has also increased appreciably. In the Western Region of Ghana, a Founder of a Pentecostal Christian Church has not only embraced Islam but has also decided to convert his Church into a mosque. Meanwhile, he has pledged to preach to all his erstwhile followers until they too see the light of Islam. In the Brong/Ahafo Region of Ghana, three former evangelists of the Seventh Day Adventist Church have embraced Islam. In the Eastern Region of Ghana, a Presbyterian Minister of Religion has come very close to the acceptance of Islam. NEW OPENINGS OF PREACHING IN GHANA 17 All these have been made possible, by the grace of Allah, through personal contacts by Ahmadi Muslim Callers towards Allah. A high ranking Ghanaian Ahmadi Government official has told me of how he has been distributing Ahmadi literature among Christian Secretaries of State and other high ranking officials. Directors of Education I personally know of Ahmadi Directors of Education and doctors who do not only actively preach to heads of departments and university dons through personal contact but also actively engage in regular exchange of letters with seekers-after-truth who are mainly Christians. One of these Ahmadi Directors of Education is so zealous and effective in the art of preaching that he is sought after by Christian organisations to talk to them in their churches and cathedrals! This Director of Education is Mr. Abdullah Nasir Boateng. Sometime this year, a Christian organisation which calls itself Christ to the Muslims Mission held a debate with a non-Ahmadi Muslim organisation on the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It was later claimed by the Christian Mission that they had given the non-Ahmadi Muslims a crushing defeat! The Christians were so confident of themselves that when a non-Ahmadi Muslim disputed their claim, the Christians threw a challenge in the following words: “Go to Saudi Arabia, Libya, Iran, Iraq and Egypt or Pakistan to bring in re-inforcements.” This confidence of the Christians stems from the fact that they know that apart from Ahmadi Muslims, all other Muslims cannot rationally defend their beliefs on the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. This was an opportunity too good to let slip. The Preaching Secretariat of the Community in Ghana has taken up the gauntlet. We have notified Christ to the Muslims Mission that we are prepared to meet them on behalf of the Muslims of Ghana, in a public dialogue, on the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ (on whom be peace). Allah permitting, when the truth will become manifest on the day of our public dialogue with the Christians, our non-Ahmadi brethren will rejoice with us and acknowledge that Hazrat Mirza Ghularn Ahmad, the Promised Messiah and Mahdi (on whom be peace) was indeed sent by Allah as a true Champion of Islam! Before I conclude, I must say that it would be unrealistic to suppose that preaching goes on in Ghana without obstacles. In fact there has been 18 REVIEW OF RELIGIONS organised opposition against our Community in Ghana but since this is not part of the subject of my address, it would be inappropriate to go into it. Finally, I should like to end this address with a quotation from the writings of the Reformer of the Age, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah and Mahdi (on whom be peace): “All ye people, listen carefully and remember that these prophecies are from God Almighty who made the heaven and the earth. He will cause this, His own Community, to spread in all the countries of the world. Through His grace, my followers will, with reason and argument, prevail over all. The days are coming, indeed they are very close at hand, when this will be the only religion on the surface of the earth to be remembered with respect. Allah will bless this religion i.e. Islam, and this Jama’at with extraordinary blessings even such as shall seem to be supernatural. He will frustrate those who plan to see its destruction. And this dominance shall last for ever, even until the Day of Judgement . . .” Serenity Stand like a stone wall and never be affected by the storm. You should try more to remain the same through the storm. By keeping your serenity you will not become weakened by worries or troubles but you can emerge strengthened and encouraged. There are men that have lost their money and friends yetthey remain serene and undaunted. No matter what trials you are going through be brave; cultivate strength; and bethankfulforwhatyou have; thatyourcondition is not worse. Let neither troubles nor grief shake your calm or dim your faith. (Theron. Q. Dumont.)


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