Counterview is a series where our readers have debates over the big questions that concern the future of humanity. Our aim is to encourage both long-term and critical thinking about the world in a series of short reflective pieces.

Mansoor Dahri, UK


What’s more likely to end the world?

During the cold war, people worried about the threat of nuclear annihilation when the USA and Soviet Union nearly destroyed each other.

These days, a newer generation worries about climate change, which now seems to be the most likely way for civilisation to end.


Some prominent people say that nuclear war is still a real threat. 

But others say that nuclear weapons are so dangerous that no one will ever use them and so it’s stupid to worry.

Some say that climate change is a much bigger threat because it is happening right now and all around us.

But others say that the dangers of climate change are exaggerated. Some even say that climate change will be good for the world.

Among all these opinions, it can be hard to decide. So here are two facts to help you:

Fact 1: There are nearly 14,000 nuclear warheads, each one can destroy a whole town or city; any survivors would have horrific injuries and the debris from a nuclear war could possibly block out the sun and cause a nuclear winter.

Fact 2: If all of Antarctica’s ice melts, sea levels would rise by at least 58 metres and lots of towns and cities and even some countries would be under water. You can see this for yourself on an interactive flood map (the map automatically shows 400 metres, please set it to 58 metres).

If anyone survives the end of civilisation, will they blame climate change or nuclear warfare? Which is the biggest threat to humanity?

If you really can’t make up your mind, watch this YouTube video to help you decide:

What’s your view? 

Tell us your decision in the comments section below. 

About the author: Mansoor Dahri is an online editor for The Review of Religions. He has recently graduated from UCL in BA Ancient Languages.


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