Jalsa Salana/Annual Conventions

People of Jalsa: Conveying the Jalsa Spirit to the World

MTA International is a global television broadcasting station staffed mainly by volunteers. They
come from all walks of life. We caught up with Manaal Rehman, who gained a first-class honours degree in Computer Sciences from
Kings College London. This Jalsa Salana she has been working in the MTA International Production
department, filming and editing videos conveying the spirit of the Jalsa to the world.

‘I feel honoured and privileged beyond words to be part of MTA International, and especially to
be able to serve at the International Jalsa. In the MTA office at Jalsa, the environment is very
pressurised and fast paced because we have very tight deadlines. Jalsa is something that we
prepare for all year round and the run up is really exciting.

Usually I stay on the site but this year due to the Covid restrictions that’s not been possible but the
work load has been the same. So that’s meant 06:30 starts and working nonstop till late evening.
We work closely as team and there is a lot of interaction between the camera women editors and
script writers . At Jalsa however everyone does what is needed.

This year the resources were less but the work load was the same and we had fewer staff due to
Covid restrictions. So in many ways this was very challenging. But with Allah’s help we did our best
to rise to the occasion and Alhamudillah (all praise belongs to Allah) it has been successful!

When Jalsa ends – it’s bitter sweet, we are proud of the work that we have achieved but it means
another year, until we are Insha’Allah (God-willing) blessed by the presence of our Khalifa.’


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