There is a Hadith (saying of the Holy Prophet (sa)) in which it is reported that upon being asked which charity is best, the Holy Prophet (sa) replied ‘providing water’. (Sunan an-Nasa’i, Hadith 3665).

We spoke to Sofia Sardar who is on drinking water supply duty for the guests of Jalsa Salana on the Lajna side. Sofia would normally volunteer and serve in a different department but due to the decrease in attendees and smaller teams, she put her name forward to help in drinking water supply duty. The team would usually consist of around 10 Lajna members and up to 200 young Nasirat members! This year, it is just a humble 3.

Sofia explains that instead of giving out water in plastic cups, this year, they are handing out small sealed water bottles. Before each session, they place a bottle on each chair, ready for the listeners.

Sofia carries the heavy crates of the 24-pack water bottles all day with a smile and what a blessing it is, to be quenching the thirst of the guests of the Promised Messiah (as).


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