Jalsa Salana/Annual Conventions

Jalsa Journal: Reporting from the Inauguration of Jalsa Salana UK 2021

17:52 – Reporting from Inspection – Ladies
At the moment everyone is seated and eagerly awaiting Huzoor’s (aba) arrival.
Torrential downpour. It’s cold. Masks are on, yet everyone’s in good spirits. You can’t see their faces but their eyes say it all – everyone is so happy to be here!
Marquee is smaller. But Alhumdolilah (all praise belongs to Allah)  sitting inside it makes it all so real. It’s definitely different but it’s our Jalsa.
We have all been given homeopathy as a precaution.

18:20 – Reporting from Inspection – Ladies
Women are teary-eyed after Huzoor’s (aba) address. Huzoor (aba) mentioned that this year, even though some restrictions remain due to Covid, it was decided that Jalsa will go ahead to quench the spiritual thirst of the attendees and also to give the workers an opportunity to serve the guests of the Promised Messiah (as). Huzoor (aba) spoke of the importance of training workers. Workers feeling recharged. Sense of responsibility has heightened.

After the recitation of tilawat was complete, silence fell across the hall, all the ladies, sitting 2 metres apart on chairs had a shared sense of the same excited feeling. The air was filled with it. Everyone held their breath at Huzoor’s (aba) arrival which was soon to be. As we waited anxiously for our beloved Caliph, it gave us time to reflect on how fortunate we were indeed to be finally sitting here. All the work, running around to finish Jalsa preparation tasks and anticipation finally came to a fruitful end. Beloved Huzoor (aba) walked into the Lajna Main Marquee and everyone’s masked faces lit up, surely they could all feel the same deep emotions. It has been much to long a time since we had been in the presence of our beloved Caliph. It’s indescribable, the same, familiar, nostalgic emotions of deep spiritual comfort that I’ve felt whilst walking into beloved Huzoor’s (aba) office during a mulaqat, during all the previous Jalsas, during Huzoor’s (aba) addresses at ijtemas. In that moment, I also felt sadness for across the world, in Pakistan and other countries who are unable to sit here and reap these blessed moments.
May God almighty give us many many more such moments. Ameen.

18:38 – Reporting from Inspection – Ladies
People are holding smaller meetings now and having refreshments. Clean-up has started. Huzoor (aba) emphasized the importance of cleanliness and hygiene, especially due to the challenging weather.



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