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From the writings of the Promised Messiah

THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS MAY 1985 contained in 2:130 in which the different functions of the Promised Prophet have been mentioned just as they are mentioned here. FROM THE WRITINGS OF HAZRAT AHMAD Our Holy Prophet, peace be on him, was a great Reformer for the proclamation of truth, and restored to the world the truth that had been lost. No Prophet shares with him the pride that he found the whole world in darkness and by his appearance that darkness was converted into light. He did not die till the people among whom he had appeared had cast aside the garment of paganism and had put. on the robe of the Unity of God. Not only this, but they achieved high grades of faith and performed such works of righteousness and fidelity and certainty which are not matched in any part of the world. Such success was not achieved by any Prophet other than the Holy Prophet, peace be on him. It is a strong argument in support of the truth of the Holy Prophet, peace be on him, that he was raised in an age when the world had fallen into deep darkness and called for a grand Reformer. He departed the world at a time when hundreds of thousands of people had abandoned paganism and idol worship and had adopted the Unity of God and the straight path. Such perfect reform was particular to him that he taught a people, who were at the level of animals the ways of humanity; in other words, he con- verted wild beasts into men, and then turned them into educated men, and then made them men of God, and breathed spirituality in- to them and created a relationship between them and the True God. They were slaughtered like sheep in the cause of God and were trod- den under foot like ants, but they did not abandon their faith, and marched forward in the face of every calamity. Doubtless, the Holy Prophet was a second Adam and indeed was a true Adam for the establishment of spirituality through whom all human excellences ar- rived at their perfection, and all good faculties were devoted to their proper task and no branch of human nature was left barren. Pro- phethood ended with him not only because he was the last Prophet in point of time, but also because all the excellences of Prophethood reached their climax in him. As he was a perfect manifestation of Divine attributes, his law had the qualities both of majesty and beau- ty. That is why he was named both Muhammad and Ahmad; and there was no miserliness in his Prophethood, it was for the benefit of the whole world from the beginning (Lecture Sialkot, pp. 4-7)


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