Categories: Jesus (as)

From the writings of the Promised Messiah

MARCH 1985 FROM WRITINGS OF HAZRAT AHMAD 5 moon and numberless stars and the earth and thousands of bounties contained therein out of His pure grace, without the assistance of any son. The same Perfect God in the latter days, discarding all His glory and power, became dependent upon a son to make provision for the salvation and forgiveness of mankind, and a son so inferior as to possess no kind of similarity to the Father. He did not create like the Father any portion of heaven or earth which should bear testimony to his godhead. The Gospel of St. Mark in verse 12 of chapter 8 describes his helplessness in the words that he sighed and said: Why do the people of this generation seek after a sign? I tell you truly that no sign will be given to this generation. When he was put upon the cross the Jews said that if he would come back to life they would believe in him. But he did not show them this sign, nor did he prove his godhead and perfect power in any other way. Such miracles as he worked had been worked in large numbers by previous Prophets and even the water of a pond possessed properties that manifested similar miracles. (See chapter 5 of the Gospel of St. John.) As he himself confessed he was not able to show any sign in support of his godhead. Being born of a frail woman, he, according to the Chris- tians, underwent such disgrace, humiliation and helplessness throughout his life as is the portion of the unfortunate and the deprived ones. He was a prisoner for a period in the darkness of the womb and was born through the urinary passage and passed through every condition to which the birth of human beings is subject, and did not escape a single one of them. Then he confessed in his own book, his ignorance and lack of knowledge and powerlessness and that he was not good. That humble servant, who was without any reason described as the son of God, was inferior to some of the ma- jor Prophets in his intellectual attainments and in his actions, and his teaching was also imperfect, being only a branch of the law of Moses. Then how is it permissible to attribute to the All Powerful God, Who is Eternal and Everlasting, this calumny that having been Perfect in his Being and Self-Sufficient and All Powerful, He in the end became dependent upon such a defective son and suddenly lost all His glory and His greatness? I do not believe that any wise person would permit such humilia- tion to be imagined concerning the Perfect Being Who comprehends all perfect qualities. (Braheen Ahmadiyya, pp. 413-419, footnote 11).


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