World Religions

World Faiths -The Ideal Society­­­­


Verily, Allah enjoins justice, and the doing of good to others; and giving like kindred; and forbids indecency, and manifest evil, and wrongful transgression. He admonished you that you may take heed.

Islam, The Holy Qur’an, 16:91

The Holy Prophet (sa) stated that God Almighty says, ‘O My servants, I have forbidden oppression for Myself and have made it forbidden amongst you, so do not oppress one another.

Islam, The Holy Prophet (sa), Hadith of Forty Hadith Qudsi

Exert all your power to spread the oneness of God on earth. Show mercy to His servants and do not wrong them by your tongue or your hand or by any other means, and strive for the welfare of God’s creation. Behave not arrogantly towards anyone even if he is your subordinate, and revile not anyone even if he should revile you. Become humble, tolerant, well-intentioned and compassionate towards God’s creation so that you may be accepted by God.

Islam, The Promised Messiah (as), Noah’s Ark, p. 19

Thus says the Lord: Act with justice and righteousness, and deliver from the hand of the oppressor anyone who has been robbed. And do no wrong or violence to the alien, the orphan, and the widow, or shed innocent blood in this place.

Judaism, Tanakh, Jeremiah, 22:3

Now is the Gracious Lord’s ordinance promulgated, no one shall cause another pain or injury; all mankind shall live in peace together, under a shield of administrative benevolence.

Sikhism, Adi Granth, Sri Raga, M.5, p. 74

In this world may obedience triumph over disobedience; may peace triumph over discord; may generosity triumph over niggardliness; may love triumph over contempt; may the true-spoken word triumph over the false-spoken word; may truth triumph over falsehood.

Zoroastrianism, Yasna 60.5


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