Categories: Hadith

Wisdom of the Holy Prophet

THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS SEPTEMBER 1984 Wisdom of the Holy Prophet Ibn Umar and Ayesha relate that the Holy Prophet said: Gabriel kept exhorting me about the neighbor till I imagined he would in- clude him in the category of heirs. (Bukhari & Muslim) Abu Dharr relates that the Holy Prophet said: Abu Dharr, when you prepare broth, put plenty of water in it and take care of your neighbors (another version is: find out about the families of your neighbors and share it with them as may be suitable.) (Muslim) -«•»–«•»–»•»–«•»–«•»–«•»- Abu Hurairah relates that the Holy Prophet called out: By Allah, he does not believe, by Allah he does not believe, by Allah he does not believe. He was asked: Who does not believe, Messenger of Allah? He said: He whose neighbor is not secure against his mischief (Bukhari & Muslim). Muslim’s version is: That one will not enter paradise whose neighbor is not secure against his mischief. – 4 » K – 4 « » – – « « K – 4 » » – – 4 c » – – 4 « K Abu Hurairah relates that the Holy Prophet said: O Muslim women, disdain not doing a kindness to a neighbor, even if it were sending her a lamb’s shank. (Bukhari & Muslim) -«•»–——


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