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The Soul and the Body

24 The Soul and the Body By Mr. Bashir Ahmad Orchard What is soul? Where did it come from and where will it go? What is the relationship between the soul and the body? These are some of the questions to be examined and answered in the light of Islam. Christian Outlook The Churches do not seem to provide a very definite and authoritative teaching on the subject. In fact, “No precise teaching about the soul received general acceptance in the Christian Church until the Middle Ages.”1 i Perhaps the Jehovah witnesses, a Christian denomination, propagate a theory that is more definite than most other Christian sects. They say that the living human body is itself the soul. They do not believe that the soul has any separate identity from the body. The body is the soul. When the body dies, the soul dies. They quote from Genesis: “The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”2 The interpretation given to this passage is clearly given in their publication Let God be True. ‘ ‘Thus we learn that man is a combination of two things, namely, ‘the dust of the ground’ and ‘the breath of life.’ The combining of these two things (or factors) produced a living soul or creature called man.” In further support of their theory, they believe that the soul can be killed, thus endeavouring to establish that the living body is the soul. In the same book it is written: “In the Hebrew scriptures there are at least fifty-four texts where the word ‘nephesh’ (soul) is used in such way as to show that the soul can be slain or killed. An example of this is in Joshua, 10:28-19. There you will find seven instances in which soul is spoken of as filled, slain or destroyed.” References 1 The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church 2(2:7) 25 THE SOUL AND THE BODY The Jehovah witnesses believe, therefore, that the soul can die. On the Day of Resurrection, they believe, those persons, who are not ‘condemned,’ will rise from their graves and again dwell on this earth — all, except 144,000 persons, who will be given spirit bodies to live and work in heaven. According to their belief, there will exist a condition of complete unconsciousness from the time of death to the Day of Resurrection. Life Force and the Soul The human body requires life force to animate it. When the life force is absent, the body is dead. What is this mysterious life force? It is not the soul. The soul spiritually animates the life force. Life force is a manifestation of electricity. Professor Aldani says: “When a limb is to be moved, the nerves, aided by the brain, draw some electricity from the interior of the muscles discharging this upon their surface, and they are thus contracted as desired.” In modern medicine, electric shocks are given to revive vital organs, such as the heart, which have ceased to function. Many years ago the scientist Galvani discovered that when two different metals were contacted with certain nerves and muscles of a dead frog, its legs ‘came to life’ and moved in their normal way. Everything is a creation of God, be it a substance or an invisible force. God is Creator of the life force which energises the physical body. He is also the Creator of the soul which ‘colours’ the life force, according to its condition and development. Both are separate identities, yet independent within the body. Knowledge About the Soul Limited While the Holy Quran provides us with sufficient knowledge of the origin, purpose and destiny of the soul, we know little about its spiritual creation. God says in the Holy Quran: ‘ ‘And they ask thee concerning the soul. Say, the soul is by the Command of my Lord; and of the knowledge of the origin, thereof you have been given but a little.”(17:86). There are some people who think that it is impossible to believe in anything unless everything is known about it and its existence proved scientifically. Such a philosophy would have to deny the Existence of God and the next world. There is, however, ample evidence to prove the Existence of God and the next world — evidence that will thwart the criticism of the most diehard atheist. The testimony of the Holy Quran is sufficient. Outside the Holy Quran we can turn to the testimonies of godly men to whom knowledge of these matters has been vouchsafed through personal spiritual experiences. REVIEW OF RELIGIONS 26 Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (Peace be upon him) One of the illuminaries of God, who appeared in this generation, is Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (peace be upon him). He has shed much light on the nature of the soul. He was not just a saint or holy man, but was the Promised Messiah and Mahdi whose advent was foretold by the Holy Prophet (peace and the blessings of God be on him) and other prophets of God including Moses and Jesus (may peace be on them). He proved himself the ablest interpreter of the Holy Quran being guided and inspired by God. Relating some of his experiences with the souls of the departed ones he says: ” I have personal experience of this matter. Many a time, when fully awake, I have seen visions in which I saw those who were dead. I have seen many an evil doer and wicked person with a body quite dark and smoky. I have personal acquaintance with these matters, and I assert it forcibly that, as Almighty God has said, everyone is granted a body either transparent or dark. It is not necessary that unaided reason should be able to look into these mysteries. The eye sees things, but it is vain to expect it to serve as an organ of taste. Similarly, the muscles of the tongue may be used for tasting things, but as organs of sight they are simply useless. In like manner, the deep secrets of the other world, upon which light is thrown only by visions, cannot be discovered by the help of reason. Almighty God has established certain laws in this world and particular means for knowledge of particular things. To know a thing, therefore, we must first seek the proper means and then we are sure to discover the thing itself.” (The Teachings of Islam). Origin of the Soul There are various schools of thought about the origin of the soul. Some think, it descends from some kind of spirit world into the body of the individual by the Command of God. Those, who believe in re-incarnation, think that the soul is something that takes a new earthly life after death. That is to say after death there is a rebirth into a new person or creature. If it is deservant of reward, it will be reborn within a more elevated or prosperous being or creature. If it formerly had an unworthy existence, then it will be reborn into a more degraded person or creature. An honest business man may be reborn as a minister of religion, while a wicked man may be re-incarnated as a beggar or even a dog. So the process continues to fluctuate up and down at death according to the type of life lived. The Soul and the Holy Quran According to the Holy Quran the soul has no pre-existence, but it develops within the body from the very outset of its development in the womb. God says in the Holy Quran: 27 THE SOUL AND THE BODY “Verily We created man from an extract of clay; then We placed him as a drop of sperm in a safe depository; then We fashioned the sperm into a clot; then a shapeless lump; then We fashioned bones out of this shapeless lump, then We clothed the bones with flesh; then We developed it into another creation. So blessed be Allah, the Best of Creators.”1 In this passage God says that He created another creation from out of the body of clay, i.e., the soul. In explaining the Quranic teaching about the origin and development of the soul, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah, (peace be on him), says: ” . . . the soul is a light which springs up from the body, which is being prepared in the womb. By the springing up of the soul, I only mean that at first it is hidden and imperceptible although its germs are present in the seed itself, and as the body is gradually developed, the soul grows along with it, and becomes manifest. There is not the least doubt that the inexplicable connection of the soul with the seed is in accordance with the design of God and with His permission and Will. It is a bright essence in the seed itself. It is not.apart of it, in the sense that matter is apart of matter, but, at the same time, it is untrue to say that it comes from outside, or, as some wrongly imagine, falling upon the earth it is mixed with the substance of the seed. It is hidden in the seed as fire is latent in flint. The Holy Word of God lends no support to the view that the soul comes from the heavens, as something distinct from the body, or that it falls suddenly upon the earth and the womb.”2 Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad, the illustrious son of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, (peace be on him), and Head of the world-wide Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, has given some very interesting expositions on the subject. Concerning the passage, as quoted above from the Holy Quran, he says: “The verse shows clearly that the soul does not enter the body from outside but is a distillation from the substance which is being developed in the mother’s womb . . . It (the Holy Quran) teaches that the birth of the soul is the ultimate stage of the volution of the human body in the course of its creation. It does not enter the body from outside, but is born as a consequence of the changes that the body goes through in the course of its development, yet it is something distinct from the body. It is not merely the motive power of the human body, but is a distinct and permanent entity distilled from the substance of the body, just as alcohol and vinegar, though 1 (23:13-15) 2 The Teachings of Islam REVIEW OF RELIGIONS 28 distilled from corn or fruit, are nevertheless distinct from the substances from which they are manufactured. By bringing this truth to light the Holy Quran has entirely revolutionized the attitude of man towards the relationship between the body and the soul.”1 Soul — Dependent upon a Body The soul, being an inner invisible creation, can only manifest itself through an outer body. In this world it is connected to a physical body and cannot develop a spiritual lustre without the work of physical action. A righteous way of living calls for appropriate bodily and mental discipline which, in turn, influences and brightens the soul. Cleanliness is next to godliness! These words are full of significance. Outer cleanliness brings about inner cleanliness. The performance of ablution before offering prayers causes a feeling of inner cleanliness. Everybody knows how individuals feel in the presence of other people if they are dirty and untidy. They do not feel comfortable, rather they suffer some sort of shame and loss of confidence. Take a bath, put on clean clothing and attend to one’s personal appearance; then you feel a surge of self respect and satisfaction flows throughout the body. One may be feeling ‘in the dumps’. Plans and hopes are not fruitifying. A wave of depression is devitalizing one’s inner energy. Loss of vital force is weakening one’s moral. Mental and physical exhaustion of this nature dims the spiritual light within. However, let one take hold of oneself, start laughing and smiling and begin thanking God for all His numerous blessings, and it will not be long when a state of peace and strength will be experienced. In this way the development of the soul is dependent upon the body. Let one’s actions and thoughts be guided by the Will of God, and consequently the soul will be proportionately influenced in its development, and it will radiate an invisible light, which at the same time is visible to beholders, but diff icul t to describe or explain. Soul after Death What then happens to the soul at the time of death? The soul quits its earthly body and takes on a new spiritual body representing the actions of this life which may be dark or bright to the spiritual eyes. The knowledge of these things by means of spiritual experience has already been established by the words of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as quoted already. Does Soul Return to Body after Death Immediately after death the soul is completely severed from the body never to 1 Introduction to the Study of the Holy Quran. 29 THE SOUL AND THE BODY return. The body without a soul consists only of chemical properties and soon begins to rot and decay. The Holy Quran refutes the theory that life can be restored to the dead. There is no doubt that people sometimes revive after they have been declared dead by doctors. People have sat up once again and entered into the daily routine of life after they have been prepared for burial. Not so very long ago, the cessation of the heart beat was evidence of death and the preparation of a death certificate. To-day medical science has, on a number of occasions, resuscitated a still heart. All this may be misleading and suggest that dead people can have life restored to them. The truth is that death was wrongly diagnosed. There can be no doubt that, in the course of history, persons have been buried when life was not quite extinct. So serious consideration should be given to avoid hasty burial. That the dead does not return to life is clearly stated in the Holy Quran: “Allah takes away the souls of human beings at the time of their death’ and during their sleep of those also that are not yet dead. And then He retains those against which He has decreed death, and sends back the others till an appointed term. In that surely are Signs for a people who reflect.”‘ This passage also draws attention to the fact that the soul is taken away at the time of sleep but returned for an appointed time. It would seem, therefore, that there must be some kind of connection with the body even though it is taken away because, as our study has shown, the soul cannot exist without a body. What is the relationship between the soul and the body at the time of sleep? Is it connected with the body by some kind of slender spiritual thread, or does it exist in an aura of spiritual colour like the souls that have been taken away at death? God tells in the Holy Quran that little knowledge has been given to us about the soul, but further enlightenment on this point would be very welcome from any person who might be in possession of this spiritual knowledge. Infinite Spiritual Progress of the Soul God tells us in the Holy Quran that His purpose of creating mankind is that He may be worshipped. Not that God depends upon being worshipped, or stands in need of being worshipped. It is for the benefit of man himself. Worship does not just mean offering prayers and bowing down, but the exercising of every faculty in the path and service of God. 1 (39:43) REVIEW OF RELIGIONS 30 “I have not created the Jinn and the men but that they may worship Me.”1 The soul may be likened to a precious stone. The more it is polished, the brighter it shines. In this world there is no limit to the height of spiritual progress that may be developed by the exercising of both physical and spiritual faculties. The development of the soul is not limited only to the period that it dwells in a human body on this earth. According to the teachings of Islam, it will continue to progress spiritually in the next life also. In the next world they will be beseeching God to grant them perfection as stated in the Holy Quran: “They will say, ‘Our Lord! perfect our light for us and forgive us; surely Thou hast power over all things.” 2 The soul will ever be yearning for a higher spiritual state even as, in this world, a true believer never rests content with the standard of spiritual status. Like a ladder leading unto the sky he is anxious to climb higher and higher. So in the next life also, the soul will continue to have the opportunity to progress being impelled with the desire to become more and more immersed in the Light of Allah. It would be wrong to suppose that after death souls will have the power to do good or bad, and for this reason they request forgiveness. All spiritual progress will be entirely the result of the Grace of God and will not be dependent upon how the souls conduct themselves. Their calling upon God to forgive them does not mean that they are liable to commit sins, but only that they find favour with God to be worthy of upliftment to a higher realm of spirituality. Most Precious Possession Our souls are our most precious possessions. Therefore, we should cherish and care for them more than any other possession. It is the only part of us that does not remain in this world after death. Everything else remains — our hearts, our brains and all our worldly belongings. Only our souls, which dwell within us, enter into the life to come. It is clear, therefore, that our greatest concern and interest in this life should be the purification of our souls. 1 (51:57). 2(66:9) 31 THE SOUL AND THE BODY The Boomerang What a man of little faith I think and feel ashamed I couldn’t see the ruinous clouds And none but winds, I blamed I thought that all was calm for him Who troubled my mind and soul His sails and oars were pomp and show And nothing could make a hole ‘Tis sure that he was rising high And felt that sky was near He shunned the earth and earthly men And space to him was dear He put his feet on heads of men And kicked them in the face He got a push and smiled at it For, he was winning the race But wingless creatures in the air Can stay a j i f fy or so They may or may not understand — A change — and down they go If boat it is, they row and tow Its base has hidden holes Their drowning scene is dread and awe With gnawing grief of souls The man who did torment and tease I took him safe and sound My faith was little, I didn’t know Now soon he would be bound ‘Tis time for him to think and learn Mysterious ways of God The aim hasn’t been reached by him The crooked path who trod Let all the men of sense and wit Combat the evil deeds Of every low or high a man Who sows the evil seeds Naseem Saifi ********************** The purpose of accepting a religion is that God, Who is Self-Sufficient and is in no need of His creation or its worship, may be pleased with us, and that we should experience such grace and mercy as should wipe out our inner stains and rusts so that our breasts may be filled with certainty and under- standing. This is not possible fora man to achieve through his own devices. Therefore, God the Glorious, keeping hidden mainly His own Being and the wonders of His creation, for instance, souls and bodies, angels, heaven, hell, resurrection and messengership etc. and yet disclosing them partially through reason, appointed his servants to believe in all these mysteries. (The Promised Messiah).

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