
Letters to the Editor

THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS 60 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Sir, Please accept my heartiest felicitations on the publication of Review of Religions under the new style. May God crown your devoted efforts with many more successes. You will be pleased to know that I have donated my eyes to restore the eye-sight of any blind person after my death. The donation of eyes is still a controversial issue amongst various schools of thought saying that Islam does not permit the donation of eyes or for that matter, any part of the body required to save a human life. I am confident that Islam, being a true religion for all times, beside being flexible in its nature, is extremely generous in many respects. If my eyes or any useful part of the eye is medically removed immediately after my death and grafted in the eye of a blind person, he or she by the Grace of Allah, the Most Benevolent and Most Beneficient, would be gifted with a second sight and would be able to thank Allah for His bounty. I wish some worthy readers of your esteemed magazine would throw light on the subject so that those who are not clear on it have their doubts removed and that they also join many others in this humanitarian service to their fellow beings in the name of their Creator. Yours sincerely Rabwah. (MUSHTAQ A. SHAIQUE) Squadron Leader (Retd.) Dear Sir, I was much privileged last year to be invited to the annual Jalsa (meeting) of the U.K. Ahmadi Movement. Amongst many excellent addresses given there, none was more impressive than the objective, historical analysis on the creation of Pakistan by the distinguished ex- Ambassador Mr. Aftab Ahmad Khan. He traced the evolution of events leading to the establishment of the new Islamic state including hitherto not generally known details of the various roles played by such leaders as Mr. M. Ali Jinn ah and Sir M. Zafrullah Khan, in what seems 61 THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS to me a masterly and valuable perspective of interest and revelation to all students and scholars of Islamic affairs, especially to all those interested in the interplay of forces during the last days of the British Raj. I was told that this address would be reprinted in the Review of Religions but have so far not seen it. Apart from its political importance Mr. Aftab Khan spoke in beautiful and lyrical English which was a pleasure to hear. Yours sincerely John Pitcairn. The article by Mr. Aftab Khan appears in this issue — Editor. ISLAM and HUMAN RIGHTS by SIR MUHAMMAD ZAFRULLA KHAN This scholarly study by the learned author is an attempt at a comparative study of Islam and The Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations. It presents vividly the Islamic point of view on this world famous declaration of human freedom and liberty. THE LONDON MOSQUE, 16 GRESSENHALL ROAD, LONDON, S.W.I8 THE MUSLIM PRAYER BOOK by B. A. RAFIQ A 64 page book which deals with Islamic prayer in all its details. It covers the philosophy of prayer, the times of prayer, prayers in the Quran, prayers of the Holy Prophet, as well as Islamic mode of worship with i l lust rat ions. The prayers are beautifully printed in the original Arabic, together with their trans- literation and translation. Price 50p (excluding postage) LONDON MOSQUE 16 GRESSENHALL ROAD, LONDON, S.W. 18 THE HOLY QURAN The Holy Quran with English Translation and Commentary Edited by Malik Ghulam Farid Original text in Arabic, with English translation of each verse. Full cross references to indicate where a particular subject appears again in the Holy Quran. Compact and concise commentary as footnotes to this comprehensive and popular edition make this a masterpiece of exegisis and a unique guide to the beauties of the Holy Quran. Hard Cover 1461 pp Price £7.50 Tafseer-i-Saghir (Urdu) by Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad Arabic text with word by word free-flowing Urdu translation in understandable sentences. Excel lent foot notes to help you comprehend the Holy Quran and an extensive alphabetical index of all the subjects dealt with in this Sacred Scripture make this edition an unparalleled piece of work which no Urdu speaking family should be without. Hard Cover 853 pp art paper Price £5.50 The Holy Quran with English translation by Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan This handy volume with original Arabic text and an English translation is strictly faithful to the text yet free-flowing and arranged in numbered paragraphs for one or more verses. More than forty pages of introduction supplemented with a 37 page index have already made readers acclaim this book in its second edition as the best gift given to them. Hard Cover 673 pp Price £4.00 Available from The London Mosque, 16Gressenhall Road, London, SW185QL. All cheques should be made payable to The London Mosque. The Philosophy of The Teachings of Islam IT IS AN ENGLISH Translation of the paper written by HAZRAT MIRZA GHULAM A H M A D THE PROMISED MESSIAH for the great Religious Conference held at Lahore, Pakistan in December, 1896. It contains about 200 pages of learned disquisitions on the following five subjects from a Muslim point of view, viz., 1. The physical, moral and spiri tual conditions of man. 2. The state of man in the life hereafter. 3. The real object of man’s existence and the means of its a t ta inment . 4. The effect of action in the present life and the life to come. 5. The sources of Divine knowledge. The paper contains an exposition of Islam, such as is not met with by any other book hi ther to published on Islam in any language. It is in fact a comprehensive commentary of the Holy Quran, throwing on its teachings and doctrines a light such as never before shed. The late Count Toltstoy expressed the following opinion on one of its parts:— “I approve very much two articles, ‘How to get rid of the bondage of Sin’ and ‘The Life to come’. The idea is very profound and very true”. This wonderful book can be had from! Price: 50p THE LONDON MOSQUE 16 GRESSENHALL ROAD, LONDON SW18 5QL THE AHMADIYYA MOVEMENT The Ahmadiyya Movement was founded in 1889 by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the expected world reformer and the Promised Messiah. The Movement is an embodiment of true and real Islam. It seeks to unit mankind with its Creator and to establish peace through- out the world. The present head of the Movement is Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad. The Ahmadiyya Movement has its headquarters at Rabwah, Pakistan, and is actively engaged in missionary work at the following centres. AHMADIYYA MUSLIM MISSIONS Box 69, Portonova. Box 383, Banjul. Accra 76845 Muslim Adjame- Nairobi 264226. Monrovia Hill, AFRICA: BENNIN P.O. GAMBIA P.O. Tel: 608 GHANA P.O. Box 2327, (OSU New Estates). Tel : IVORY COAST Ahmadiyya Mission, 03 BP 416, Abidjan 03. KENYA P.O. Box 40554, (Fort Hall Road). Tel : Telex: c/o 22278 LIBERIA P.O. Box 618, (9 Lynch Street) . MAURITIUS P.O. Box 6 (Rose Mauritius. NIGERIA P.O. Box 418, Lagos (45 Idumagbo Avenue). Tel: 633 757 SIERRA LEONE P.O. Box 353, Free- town,Te l : 40699/22617 SOUTH AFRICA Mr. M.G. Ebrahim, P.O. Box 4195, Cape Town (Dar- ut Tabligh-i l- lslami). TANZANIA P.O. Box 376, Dares-Salaam (Libya Street) . Tel: 21744 UGANDA P.O. Box 98, Kampala, Uganda. ZAMBIA P.O. Box 32345, Lusaka. AUSTRALIA: Dr. Ijaz-ul-Haque, 19 Bram Borough Road, Rosevil le 2069-N.S.W Sydney AMERICA: CANADA 1306 Wilson Avenue, Downs- View, Ontario M3M 1HB. Tel: 416 249 3420 GUYANA Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission, 198 Oronoguq and Almond Streets, P.O. Box 736,Georgetown. Tel: 02-6734 SURINAM Ahmadiyya Muslim Mis- sion, Ephraimszegenweg, 26 P.O.B. 2106, Paramaribo. TRINIDAD & TOBAGO Freeport Mis- sion Road, Upper Carapichaima, Trinidad, W.I. U.S.A 2141, Leroy Place, N.W. Wash- ington 8, D.C. 20008. Tel: 202 23 2-3737. Cables: ISLAM. ASIA: BANGLADESH 4 Baxi Bazar Road, Dacca-1. BURMA 191-28th Street , Rangoon. FIJI P.O. Box 3758,Samabula (82 Kings Road), Suva, Tel: 38221. INDIA Darul Masih, Qadian. Tel: 36. INDONESIA Ja lan Balikpapan I.No.10, Djakarta Pusat 1/13. Tel: 36 5342 JAPAN Ahmadiyya Centre, 643-1 Aza Yamanoda, O-Aza Issha, Idaka-cho, Meito-Ku, Nagoya 465.Tel. 703-1868 PAKISTAN (Headquarters) Rabwah, Dist. Jhang. PHILIPPINES Haji M. Ebbah, Simunal, Bongao, Sulu. SINGAPORE 111 Onan Rd .Singapore 15 SRI LANKA Colombo M.E.M. Hasan, 24 San Sebastin Street , Ratnum Road, Colombo 12. EUROPE: BELGIUM Maulvi S.M. Khan, 76 Av. due Pantheon Bte 5 1080, Brussels. DENMARK Eriksminde A l l e 2 , Hvidovre- Copenhagen. Tel: 753502 GERMANY Die Moschee, Babenhauser, Landstrasse,25, Frankfurt. Tel: 681485 HOLLAND De Moschee, Oostduirlaan, 79, Den Haag. Tel: (010-3170) 245902 Telex: 33574 Inter NLA30C NORWAY Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission, Frognerveine 53,Oslo-2. Tel: 447188 SPAIN Mission Ahmadiyya del Islam, Mezquita Basharat, Pedro Abad,near Cordoba. Tel: 160750 Ext. 142 SWEDEN Nasir Moske Islams Ahmadiy- ya Forsamling, Tolvskill ingsgatan 1. S-41 4 82 Goteborg, Sverige. Tel: 414044 SWITZERLAND Mahmud Moschee,323, Forschstrasse 8008, Zurich. Tel: 535570. Telex: 58378 MPTCH Islam 374/XA UNITED KINGDOM 16 Gressenhal l Road, London SW18 SQL. Tel: 01-874 6298. Telex: 28604 Ref: 1292 REGD. No. L 5746 The REVIEW of RELIGIONS The Review of Religions is the oldest magazine of its kind published in the English language in the Indo-Pakistan Sub- Continent. Its first issue was published in 1902 and it has been continuously published since. It bears the distinction that it was initiated under the direction of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian,the Promis- ed Messiah himself. During more than eighty-one years the message of Islam has been conveyed through this magazine to hundreds of readers and many fortunate persons have recognised the truth of Islam and accepted it through studying it. The articles published in it deal not only with the doct- rines and teachings of Islam but also set forth a comparative appreciation of the teachings of other faiths. One of its outstanding features is the refutations of the criticism of Islamic teachings by orientalists and non-muslim scholars. It also presents solutions in the light of Islamic teachings of the problems with which the Islamic world is from time to time confronted. A study of this magazine is indispensable for the appre- ciation of the doctrines of the Ahmadiyya Movement and the teachings of its holy Founder. Printed by Unwin Brothers Limited, The Gresham Press, Old Woking, Surrey Published by The London Mosque, 16 Gressenhall Road, London, SW18 SQL


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