
Caliph Returns Home After Epic 7-day Germany Tour

After speaking over three days at one of Europe’s largest Muslim conventions, personally meeting hundreds and hundreds of his followers, leading congregational prayers 5 times a day, delivering 38 marriage announcements (Nikahs), presiding over scores of Ameens (when children complete their first read of the Holy Qura’n) and meeting dozens of delegations of non-Ahmadis consisting of hundreds from various countries around the world – amongst many other engagements – a hugely successful and jam-packed 7-day tour of Germany comes to an end by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) the 5th Khalifa (Caliph), Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. His Holiness had left Baitus Subuh, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s headquarters in Germany, on Tuesday morning, arriving back home travelling by road and crossing the channel and finally arriving in Islamabad, Tilford UK Tuesday night. There was no sleep after this exhausting tour as His Holiness (aba) continued where he had left off with his gruelling schedule in Germany, leading the Maghreb and Ishaa (night -prayers) in the Mubarak Mosque, Islamabad, UK.

The Caliph leading silent prayers before departing Frankfurt on Tuesday morning. © The Review of Religions

Readers can find a selection of unique videos here: which show a glimpse into the incredible array of engagements His Holiness (aba) was involved in during his stay.

42,700 people had attended the Annual Convention (Jalsa Salana) of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Germany. The Caliph had delivered deeply insightful and visionary addresses both to his own followers and on Saturday to 1000 non-Ahmadi guests from Germany, Europe and beyond.

The Review of Religions will soon be publishing the full transcript of this address. We strongly recommend to our readers to avail of this speech as it covers solutions to some of the most pressing issues facing the world today, including climate change and the threat of a nuclear war. His Holiness (aba) provided an incredible geo-political analysis on the current state of affairs in the world and said:

‘The capitalist system is slowly losing its status and people are realising that there are inherent risks and injustices embedded within it. European countries and the other major powers should not arrogantly presume that their economic system will remain pre-eminent forevermore. Rather, they should be working to ensure that fairness and equality underpin the world’s financial system….. At this critical moment in history, I believe with all my heart that there is only one way to bring an end to the great challenges of our time. There is only one path that can lead us to salvation and deliver us from this world of war and conflict and that is the path of God Almighty.’

After this address The Review of Religions spoke to Misel Androic a researcher in the field of radicalisation from Croatia who told us:

‘About the speech of the Fifth Caliph I am always impressed by his knowledge and his interest in geo-politics, conflicts, conflict resolution. I am also very much impressed in his knowledge of our current geopolitical situation in Syria and Iran. I think that religion has a very important place in binding nations. And Islam Ahmadiyyat is a religion without a state that lives what they believe to be true Islam. Ahmadiyyat is putting out some milestones and some guidelines for other religions.’

There are numerous other responses from non-Ahmadi guests after hearing the words of His Holiness (aba) at the annual convention. At the start of this tour we mentioned in our opening article that almost half of Germans in a survey said that Islam was not compatible with their society. The tour of His Holiness (aba), to at least those who he interacted with, and to potentially a huge audience through press media, TV and beyond who will hear his speech, will play a significant role to allay these concerns; and not just allay, but to transform those thoughts into a positive perception of the religion of Islam.

© The Review of Religions

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