The Promised Messiahas & Imam Mahdi (Guided One)
Founder of
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas

If I am asked as to what I have done, my answer would be that I cannot say anything in this respect. The world will know itself as to what has been done by me. Of course I should like to say this much, that people come to me and repent for their sins, they become humble and getting away from meanness, they acquire very high morals. They begin to grow like vegetation and they begin to improve their morals and habits. Man does not make all the progress in just one step. The law of nature is that everything makes progress gradually; there is nothing that is not under this law. Of course we are full of hope that ultimately the truth will spread and there will be a pious change. This is not my work; this is the work of God. He is determined that piety should be spread. The world has become rotten and a worm is eating it up. It is only the shell that has been left; there is no pith there. But God has now willed it that man should be purified and should have no blemish at all. It is for this, that through His grace, He has established this Dispensation.1


1. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, So Said The Promised Messiah (Rabwah, Pakistan: Wakalat-e-Tasnif), 108-109.


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