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49The Review of Religions – September 2007 (Based on an address at the UK Annual Convention at Hadeeqatul Mahdi in July 2007) Allah the Almighty’s relationship with all His prophets is clearly stated in the Holy Qur’an: Most surely We help Our Messengers and those who believe, both in the present life and on the day when the witnesses will stand forth. (Ch.40:V.52) This verse holds out a promise to all Divine messengers that God’s help, comfort and support will always be with them and the evil designs and plans of their disbelieving opponents will all ultimately fail. The truth of this great promise has been demon- strated again and again throughout the history of prophet-hood and especially during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet of Islam, Muhammad(saw). This everlasting promise of Allah the Almighty to His prophets has more recently been manifested during the lifetime of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as), the Promised Messiah and Mahdi of the Latter Days. There are so many incidents to illustrate this close spiritual relationship during his lifetime that it is impossible to recount them all. However, a few events will be highlighted to describe this Divine relationship that was demonstrated so manifestly during the life of the Promised Messiah(as). Throughout his life as a Prophet of God, the Promised Messiah(as) was often denounced and received all sorts of abuse from his opponents and he has remarked: “When such diseased people make Prophets of God the target of their insinuations and think ill of them, God becomes their enemy and stands up in The Relationship of the Promised Messiah(as) with Allah the Almighty By Bilal Atkinson – Hartlepool, UK Sept 2007.qxd 10/10/07 22:11 Page 49 50 The Review of Religions – September 2007 defence of His Prophets. He guards the honour of His dear ones with such jealousy as is unparalleled. When I was maligned and assailed in different ways, the same protective jealousy of God became operative in my defence.” (Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol.20: Al- Wasiyyat, footnote p.317) The Promised Messiah’s(as) relationship with Allah the Almighty began in his childhood. He related that he felt himself powerfully attracted towards God and he was also faintly conscious and aware that some time in the future God would engage him to fulfil some of His Divine plans. Even as a small child he requested his cousin Hurmat Bibi, the daughter of his maternal uncle, to pray that he may ‘be granted the grace of prayer.’ This most humble request from an innocent child proved that he had a pure heart filled with the love of God. In 1869, the Promised Messiah(as) was requested to hold a debate with and refute certain doctrines expounded by Muhammad Hussain of Batala who had recently qualified as a maulvi and whose views were not approved of or acceptable to his fellow citizens. The Promised Messiah(as) proceeded to Batala that same evening. Muhammad Hussain was in the mosque and opened the debate with a speech in which the Promised Messiah(as) found nothing objectionable regarding certain theological points as he found them in accord with Islamic teachings. He openly declared that there was nothing in the speech which required refutation and refused further debate. For his open and truthful statement the Promised Messiah(as) was ridiculed not only by his opponents, but, alas, also by those who had invited him to support their views in the debate. Such was his love for truth and honesty that he was prepared to receive their ridicule whether they were friend or foe. He knew, at the end of the day, he was answerable to God alone for his actions and not to any worldly acquaintance or friendship. He always suffered any humil- iation with great dignity, cheer- THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE PROMISED MESSIAH(AS) WITH ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY Sept 2007.qxd 10/10/07 22:11 Page 50 51The Review of Religions – September 2007 fulness and decorum. Only a man of upright and sterling character has the courage to speak the truth even when it is very unpopular. In this particular incident in his life, the character he showed did him great credit, so much so that God was immensely pleased with him. That same night he received the revelation that God was pleased with the course of action he had taken and that He would bless him so much so that, ‘Kings would seek blessings from his garments.’ (Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya, Vol.1V, p.520) Today, by the sheer Grace of Allah, we have witnessed on a number of occasions the fulfilment of this Divine promise when kings have attended previous UK Annual Conventions and have literally received blessings of the garments of the Promised Messiah(as) from the Khalifa of the day. The death of the Promised Messiah’s(as) father was a critical point in his life. He described his personal situation at his father’s death in the following words: “I was 34 or 35 years of age when my father died. In a dream I had been warned that his death was approaching. He was then in Lahore and hastened to Qadian. He was then suffering from dysentery but I had no apprehension that he would die the following day. In fact, there had been some change for the better in his condition and he appeared quite steadfast. The following day, we were all with him at noon when he kindly suggested that I should go and have some rest, for it was the month of June and the heat was intense. I retired into an upper room and a servant began to massage my feet. Presently, I fell into a light slumber and the revelation came to me (Arabic): ‘By the heaven (We call to witness heaven where all decrees originate) and the morning Star (We call to witness that which will happen after sunset).’ (Ch.86:V.2) I was given to understand that what was to happen after sunset was my father’s death, and that THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE PROMISED MESSIAH(AS) WITH ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY Sept 2007.qxd 10/10/07 22:11 Page 51 52 The Review of Religions – September 2007 this revelation was by way of condolence on behalf of God Almighty. Holy is Allah! How glorious is He that He conveyed His condolence on the death of a person who had died sorrowing over the waste of his life. Most people would be surprised at this interpretation of mine that God Almighty consoled me. It should, how- ever, be remembered that when God, glorified be His name, treats someone mercifully, He deals with him like a friend. We read in the Traditions that on certain occasions God Almighty laughed. This also is an expression of the same type. When I received this revelation, which foretold the death of my father, the thought passed through my mind, due to my humanity, that some of the means of income which were available to my father would now be closed and we might be confronted with difficulties. Thereupon, I received another revelation: ‘Is not Allah sufficient for His servant?’ This revelation conveyed great comfort and satisfaction to me and it found its firm place in my heart. I swear by God Almighty in Whose hand is my life that He has fulfilled this comforting revelation in a manner which I could not have imagined. He has provided for me as no father could have provided for anyone. I have been the recipient of His continuous bounties which I find impos- sible to count. My father died the same day after sunset. This was the first day on which I experienced a sign of Divine mercy through revelation concerning which I cannot imagine that it would ever cease to have effect during my lifetime. I had the words of the revelation carved on a semi-precious stone and set in a ring which I have with me securely. Nearly 40 years of my life passed under the care of my father and with his departure from this life I began to receive Divine revelation THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE PROMISED MESSIAH(AS) WITH ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY Sept 2007.qxd 10/10/07 22:11 Page 52 53The Review of Religions – September 2007 continuously.” [Kitabul Bariyyah, (Qadian, Zia-ul-Islam Press 1898); Now printed in Ruhani Khaza’in (London, 1984), Vol. 13, pp.189-195, footnote] The Promised Messiah(as) often used to say that this message, a reassurance – Is not Allah sufficient for His servant?’ – came to him with such glory and majesty that it settled firmly in his heart like a steel nail hammered into a block of wood and from that moment on Allah took care of him in a way that has no worldly parallel. He often said that after this revelation, he received so many favours from Allah the Almighty that it was not possible to count them. (Kitabul Bariyyah) Maulvi Rahim Bakhsh(ra) relates that the Promised Messiah(as) said to him that he had received a revelation (Arabic) that Allah would deliver him from some sorrow and his Lord was All- Powerful. The Promised Messiah(as) had continued: ‘By God’s grace, I have no sorrow but perhaps the revelation has reference to some future event.’ The very same day, Maulvi Rahim Bakhsh(ra) continues, someone came from Amritsar and told him that the stone for his ring that he had sent to Hakim Muhammad Sharif of Amritsar to be inscribed with the revelation: ‘Alais-Allahu bi Kafin ‘abdahu’’ (Is Allah not sufficient for His servant?) had been lost. He also brought a page of his book Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya which had been very badly printed. Hadhrat Sahib(as) was perturbed by both these pieces of news and both of us went to Amritsar. When we arrived at the house of Hakim Muhammad Sharif he told Hadhrat Sahib that the stone that had been lost was recovered and when we went to the printing press we found that printing of Barahin-e- Ahmadiyya was proceeding satis- factorily. Thereupon Hadhrat Sahib observed: ‘God Almighty had reassured me in advance that He would deliver me from sorrow. This was the sorrow.’ (Al-Hakam, Vol. XXXVII, no. 29, August 14, 1934, p.3) At Masjid Al Aqsa in Qadian on the day of Eid ul Adhia (13th April 1900), the Promised Messiah(as) THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE PROMISED MESSIAH(AS) WITH ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY Sept 2007.qxd 10/10/07 22:11 Page 53 54 The Review of Religions – September 2007 was Divinely directed to deliver a sermon in the Arabic language. He requested Hadhrat Maulvi Nur-ud- din(ra) and Hadhrat Abdul Karim(ra) to sit near him and directed them to write down what he was going to say. Hadhrat Bhai Abdur Rahman(ra) says, “When the Promised Messiah(as) took his seat on the chair and started to address, it seemed as if he had been transported to the other world. His eyes remained closed and his blessed face seemed luminous, as if Divine light, having enveloped it, had illuminated it and made it lustrous. At that time, one could not gaze at his face. His forehead radiated bright rays of light that dazzled the eyes of those who looked at it.” For more than one hour the Promised Messiah(as) delivered the sermon which made a deep impression on all who were very fortunate to be present at the time. The main topic of this sermon was the philosophy of sacrifice. This sermon – the Khutba Ilhamia – is a unique example of the mastery of the Arabic language bestowed upon the Promised Messiah(as) by the Divine Grace of God. Maulvi Abdul Karim Sahib(ra) delivered an Urdu translation of the gist of this sermon and during this translation, the Promised Messiah(as), overtaken by God’s Mercy, fell into prostration in gratitude for this great blessing and the whole of the congregation followed his example. After prostration, the Promised Messiah(as) mentioned that he had just seen the word ‘Mubarak’ (Congratulations) spelt out in scarlet letters in front of him. Also, regarding this miraculous speech, the Promised Messiah(as) said: “Subhanallah! (Holy is Allah) At that time, a hidden fountain was gushing out. I do not know whether it was I who was speaking, or some angel was speaking through my tongue, for I knew that I had no share in this speech. Self-made sentences came out of my mouth, and every sentence was a sign for me. It is an intellectual miracle shown by God, and none can present the THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE PROMISED MESSIAH(AS) WITH ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY Sept 2007.qxd 10/10/07 22:11 Page 54 55The Review of Religions – September 2007 like of it.” (Haqiqatul Wahi, pp.362-363) Hadhrat Khalifatul Mash II(ra) relates: “In 1907 the Promised Messiah(as) suffered from a severe cough. While he was in this condition, a friend from outside brought some fruit for him as a present. The friend says: ‘I put the fruit before him.’ He looked at it and said: Say to him: ‘May Allah reward you.’ Then he took up a banana and asked me how this would affect his cough. I answered: ‘It is not good.’ He smiled and peeled the banana and began to eat it. I submitted: ‘You have a severe cough and this is not good for cough.’ He smiled again and continued to eat. Stupidly, I repeated that he should not eat it; on which he smiled again and said: I have just received the revelation (Urdu): ‘Cough has been removed’, and since then I have no cough.” (Al-Fazl, Vol.XXX, No. 164, p.3, 17 July 1942) Hadhrat Maulvi Nur-ud-din(ra) relates: “On one occasion, in the course of a debate, an opponent asked the Promised Messiah(as) to cite a reference from Bukhari and the Promised Messiah(as) started turning over its pages very rapidly. Then he stopped at one place and said: Here is the reference. Everyone was surprised and someone inquired from Hadhrat Sahib(as) how he had found the reference so quickly. He answered: ‘When I took the book in my hand and started turning over its pages it seemed to me the pages were blank. I turned them over quickly and then came to a page where I saw some writing and then I was sure that this was the reference that I needed.’” (Sirat ul Mahdi, part II, No. 306) The Promised Messiah(as) once said: “It came to my mind once that I should write a book setting out the bounties that Allah had bestowed upon me. When I was THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE PROMISED MESSIAH(AS) WITH ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY Sept 2007.qxd 10/10/07 22:11 Page 55 56 The Review of Religions – September 2007 about to start on this project, I saw in a vision that heavy rain was falling and God said to me: ‘If you can count these drops of rain you will be able to number My bounties.’ Then I gave up the idea.” (Register of Riwayaati-e-Sahaba, Vol. VII, p. 310) The Promised Messiah(as) writes: “A friend of mine, Syed Nasir Shah, Overseer in the State of Jammu and Kashmir, was much perturbed at having received orders of transfer to Gilgit which would involve him in great hardship during the journey and his stay there, to which he did not find himself equal. He took leave and came to me and asked me to pray that he should be posted in Jammu and should not have to travel to Gilgit. One night, I supplicated for him and in respect of several other matters including the glory of Islam. Then I received the revelation: ‘All prayers have been accepted, including the one for the strength and glory of Islam.’ In this manner I was informed that Syed Nasir Shah’s transfer had been postponed. It gave me great pleasure that God had accepted my supplication on his behalf. I informed him immediately of this and on the 3rd or 4th day he received a letter from some official of the State to the effect that his transfer had been postponed.” (Tatimma Haqeeqatul Wahi pp.157-158) Hafiz Hamid Ali(ra) relates: “On one occasion, the Promised Messiah(as) sent me on an errand to a foreign land. I boarded the ship bound for my destination. About half- way, the vessel was caught in a storm and everyone was terrified that it was going to sink. I tried to reassure all the passengers and stated confi- dently that I belonged to the Punjab and was going on an errand on behalf of one whom God had appointed His Prophet(as) for this age and that so long as I was on the vessel, it would not sink. God Almighty thereafter stilled the THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE PROMISED MESSIAH(AS) WITH ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY Sept 2007.qxd 10/10/07 22:11 Page 56 57The Review of Religions – September 2007 waters and the vessel arrived safe at my destination and I disembarked. After a short stop the ship proceeded on but alas on its further voyage it sank after a short time. When the news reached India, members of my family went to Hadhrat Sahib(as) and told him that the vessel by which I was travelling had sunk to which Hadhrat Sahib(as) said: ‘I have heard that the vessel by which Hamid Ali was travelling sank on such and such a day’; after a few minutes he added: ‘But Hamid Ali is busy with his errand. He is safe.’ It would seem that Hadhrat Sahib(as) had learnt the truth through a vision.” (Al-Hakam, Vol. XXXVIII, No.2, p.5, 21st January 1935) There was a man by the name of Patwari Munshi Ataa Muhammad(ra) who belonged to the village of Nathpur situated near to Qadian. He had been married for a long time and had three wives but, alas, no children. One day an Ahmadi met him and started to preach to him about the advent of the Promised Messiah(as). His Tabligh effort was successful in that Munshi Ataa Muhammad(ra) was ready to accept on condition that the Promised Messiah(as) should pray that not his youngest but his eldest wife who was of advanced age, should bear him a son. Only by some mira- culous means could his wish be fulfilled. Accordingly, he wrote to the Promised Messiah(as) and said, ‘You claim to be the Promised Messiah and Friend of God. The prayers of the Friends of God are accepted. I have now three wives. Twelve years have passed since my last marriage, but I have no issue from any of them. I desire to have a handsome, promising and auspicious son, and that too by my first wife. Please pray for the fulfilment of this desire of mine.’ The Promised Messiah(as) later intimated that the man’s eldest wife would bear him a handsome and prosperous son provided he observed the repentance of Hadhrat Zakariah(as). Some months later his eldest wife had given up hope of bearing him any children and in one last THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE PROMISED MESSIAH(AS) WITH ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY Sept 2007.qxd 10/10/07 22:11 Page 57 58 The Review of Religions – September 2007 desperate attempt to relieve her of her grief, Munshi Ataa Muhammad(ra) engaged the services of a local lady gynae- cologist who, after making a cursory examination informed the wife that she was incapable of bearing a child, but astonishingly, she found the woman was pregnant and exclaimed that (God forbid) God must have made a mistake. Munshi Ataa Muhammad(ra), overjoyed at this miracle, informed the gynaecologist of the prayer of the Promised Messiah(as) and soon informed his friends of this magnificent Divine blessing. In due course, Munshi Ataa Muhammad(ra), was blessed with a handsome son. After the birth of his son, Munshi Sahib(ra), along with several other people who came to know of this miracle, travelled to Qadian and took initiation at the hands of the Promised Messiah(as). This was indeed a great sign of the truth of the Promised Messiah(as) and especially for Munshi Ataa Muhammad(ra) and others who now acknowledged the Promised Messiah’s(as) close connection and relationship with Allah the Exalted. There was a small but sincere Jama’at in the state of Kapurthala. The members of the Jama’at had intense love of the Promised Messiah(as). Once some non- Ahmadi Muslim opponents sought to take possession of the Ahmadiyya Mosque of Kapurthala and tried to remove the Ahmadis from it. Eventually the matter was brought to court. The local Ahmadis were greatly perturbed and repeatedly entreat- ed the Promised Messiah(as) to help with his prayers. One day when requested to pray, the Promised Messiah(as), impressed with the sincerity as well as the perplexity of the brethren, assured them: ‘Be not anxious. If I am righteous in my claim, you will get the mosque.’ But the attitude of the judge was openly hostile. He had announced publicly: ‘You have invented a new religion, so you shall have to build a new mosque too and I will decide accordingly.’ He had not yet written his judgement as he intended to write it in the courtroom. While preparing to go to court, he directed his servant to THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE PROMISED MESSIAH(AS) WITH ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY Sept 2007.qxd 10/10/07 22:11 Page 58 59The Review of Religions – September 2007 help him on with his shoes. The servant was about to do so when the judge suffered a heart attack and died within a few moments. The new judge who replaced him studied the record of the case and found that the Ahmadis were in the right, decreed the case in their favour and awarded the mosque to them. (Sirat ul Mahdi & Ashab-e- Ahmad – The Promised Messiah by M.M. Ahmad) No false claimant to prophethood is permitted to survive for more than twenty-three years after making his false claim. The punishment for such a false claimant is clearly illustrated in the Holy Qur’an where God has declared: And if he had falsely attributed even a trivial statement to Us, We would surely have seized him by the right hand, and then surely We would have severed his jugular vein and not one of you could have held Us from him.. (Ch.69:Vs.45-48) John Alexander Dowie was one such claimant. He was born in Scotland in 1847. In 1872, after studying for the Christian Church, he migrated to Australia and soon became known as a healer. In 1888 he migrated to the U.S.A. and within four years he became well known for his powers of healing and preaching. Some four years later he founded a Christian Catholic sect and attracted many followers and amassed great wealth, so much so that in 1901 he started to build a town which he named Zion City for his ever- growing Christian sect. In the same year, he claimed to be Elijah (a prophet) and the forerunner to the second advent of Jesus Christ(as), who, he claimed, would soon descend on Zion City. His well-published claim attracted many more followers, especially the rich, and soon the number of his followers exceeded 100,000. Dowie claimed that his mission (before Jesus Christ(as) descended), was to destroy Islam. In so doing, a torrent of abuse poured from his mouth denouncing the Holy Prophet(as) and the religion of Islam. In 1902, he published a prophecy to the effect that unless Muslims became Christian they THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE PROMISED MESSIAH(AS) WITH ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY Sept 2007.qxd 10/10/07 22:11 Page 59 60 THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE PROMISED MESSIAH(AS) WITH ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY The Review of Religions – September 2007 would meet with death and destruction. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) came to know of this prophecy and wrote a leaflet highlighting the beauties of Islam and sent it to Mr. Dowie. He informed him that he had been sent by God as the Promised Messiah(as) and challenged him to enter a prayer duel that each of them should pray to God that the impostor should be punished and destroyed by Him within the lifetime of the other. The leaflet was also published widely throughout the U.S.A. and Europe where the challenge was discussed for more than a year. Mr. Dowie did not take up the challenge and continued to pray for the destruction of Islam. In 1903 he published in his paper: “I pray to God that Islam will soon disappear from the world. O God, accept this prayer of mine. O God, destroy Islam.” (Leaves of Healing, 14th February 1903) Later that same year, he wrote: “The black spot on the mantle of man (Islam) will meet its end at the hands of Zion.” The Promised Messiah(as) issued another leaflet which ended by saying: “Though he (Dowie) may try hard as he can to fly from death which awaits him, yet a flight from such a contest will be nothing less than death to him and calamity will certainly overtake his Zion, for he must bear the consequences either of the acceptance of the challenge or its refusal.” When prompted why he did not reply to the challenge, Dowie, indirectly referring to the Promised Messiah(as), made a claim that he would crush him with his foot as he would gnats and flies. It is reported that he later wrote: “If I am not a messenger of God on this earth, then no one is.” The prophecy of the Promised Messiah(as) soon began to take effect. The feet with which Dowie was going to crush Islam and the Sept 2007.qxd 10/10/07 22:11 Page 60 61 THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE PROMISED MESSIAH(AS) WITH ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY The Review of Religions – September 2007 Promised Messiah(as) suddenly began to crush him. Dowie suffered an attack of paralysis and though a supposed healer he was unable to heal himself and had to go in search of a cure. As his human weaknesses began to surface for all to see, he was accused of illicit and immoral practices. His wife and son later left him as well as many of his followers and he was eventually expelled from Zion City a broken man. On 20th February 1907, the Promised Messiah(as) issued another leaflet announcing the appearance of another heavenly sign: “God says: I shall manifest a fresh sign of great victory. This sign will be for the whole world and will be wrought by God’s hands from heaven. Let every eye wait for it, for God will manifest it soon, so that everyone might bear witness that this humble one, who is being reviled from all directions, is from Him. Blessed are those who would take advantage of it.” (Announcement of 20th February 1907. Inner title page of the pamphlet: Qadian ke Arya aur Ham) Alexander Dowie died within a fortnight of the publication of this prophecy which is a sure proof for a seeker after truth that it related to him. The prophecy specified that the predicted sign would be for the whole world and would be manifested soon. Dowie did not survive it even for three weeks. (Tatimma Haqeeqatul Wahi p.75, footnote) On 9th March 1907, Dowie died after suffering a paralysing stroke. Almighty God surely cut off the jugular vein of the impostor. (Sirat ul Mahdi and Ashab-e-Ahmad) The Holy Qur’an clearly emphasises: Allah has decreed: ‘Most surely I will prevail, I and My Messengers.’ Verily, Allah is Powerful, Mighty. (Ch.58:V.22) This verse implants an absolute faith and conviction into the hearts Sept 2007.qxd 10/10/07 22:12 Page 61 62 THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE PROMISED MESSIAH(AS) WITH ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY The Review of Religions – September 2007 and minds of the messengers of God reassuring them of ultimate success, support and victory in their noble missions. The story of all the prophets of God is a clear witness to this truth. They stood up against the prevalent customs and trends of their societies. They were mocked, ridiculed, humi- liated, persecuted and even thrown out of their homes and lands and dispossessed of all their belong- ings and worldly wealth. However, the outcome of their Divine mission always proved successful because God was the guarantor of their success. The faith which prophets of God have in the truth of their mission, their relationship with God and the unfailing character of His promises and assurances to them is quite outstanding and dazzling. Not only are the prophets of God unmindful of the hostility and attacks of their enemies, they even challenge their opponents to use all their powers to destroy them because they are perfectly convinced of God’s help, pro- tection and support. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) was no exception to any other prophet. Allah the Almighty appointed him a Prophet of God, subservient to Muhammad Mustafa(saw), the Holy Prophet of Islam and in so doing his relationship with God grew stronger and stronger and he was re-assured time and again of His nearness, guidance, protection and the ultimate victory of his mission. In one of His revelations, Allah the Almighty announced to Hadhrat Ahmad(as): “Despair not of the mercy of Allah. Hearken, indeed the mercy of Allah is near. Hearken, the help of Allah is near. It will come to thee by every distant track. Allah will help thee from Himself. Men whom We shall inspire from heaven will help thee. There is no changing the words of Allah. We have bestowed upon thee a manifest victory and We have bestowed upon him intimate nearness to Us. He is the bravest of people. Had faith ascended to the Pleiades he would have brought it down. Allah will illuminate his arguments. Mercy flows from Sept 2007.qxd 10/10/07 22:12 Page 62 63 THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE PROMISED MESSIAH(AS) WITH ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY The Review of Religions – September 2007 thy lips, O Ahmad. You are under Our care. Allah will exalt thy name and perfect His bounty upon thee in this world and the hereafter.” (Barahin-e- Ahmadiyya part III pp.238- 242 sub-footnote & Tadhkira pp.32-33) The relationship of all prophets with Allah the Almighty is deeply cemented and unbreakable. Their deep love for their Creator and their deep longing to draw ever closer to Him is unparalleled. Hadhrat Ahmad, the Promised Messiah and Mahdi(as) was no exception to this and God appreciated his love and blessed him with His grace, benevolence, mercy and protection. I have only been able to relate a very small number of the thousands of incidents regarding the Promised Messiah’s(as) relationship with God. In conclusion, I leave with the very words of Allah the Almighty, Who in one of His revelations to the Promised Messiah(as) declared: “Since in this age, you are the standard-bearer of My Unity, restoring the treasure to its lost place in the world, you are as dear to me as My own Singleness and Unity. And since the Christians, as a false doctrine, have taken Jesus Christ as a Son of God, My sense of honour has demanded that I should love you, the Messiah of the dispensation of Muhammad, like a son, so that the world should know that among the followers of the Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw) there can be men who can attain as it were the position of Children of God. And since day and night you are absorbed in the service of the religion of the Holy Prophet, who is My beloved, in the position of a spiritual son of this prophet, I bless you everlastingly with My own love.” (Tadhkira) All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds. Sept 2007.qxd 10/10/07 22:12 Page 63 We hope you have enjoyed reading this edition of the magazine. The Review of Religions will continue to provide discussion on a wide range of subjects and welcomes any comments or suggestions from its readers. 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