God and His Magnificent Attributes

The Promised Messiahas & Imam Mahdi (Guided One)
Founder of
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas

Listen, O you who can: What is it that God desires from you? All He desires is only that you become solely His and do not associate any partners with Him, neither in the heavens nor on the earth. Our God is that God Who is alive even now as He was alive before. He speaks even now as He used to speak before. And even now He hears as He heard before. It is a false notion that in these times He only hears but does not speak. On the contrary, He hears and also speaks. All His Attributes are eternal and everlasting. None of His Attributes is in abeyance, nor will it ever be. He alone is the One without any associate; He has no son, nor has He any wife. He alone is Peerless and there is no one like Him. And He is the One Who is unique in that none of His Attributes are exclusively possessed by anyone beside Him. He has no equal. He does not share His attributes with anyone. None of His powers is less than perfect. He is near, yet far and He is far, yet near. He can reveal Himself to Ahl-e-Kashf [those who experience revelation].

He has no body, nor any shape. He is above all, but it cannot be said that there is anything beneath Him. He is on ‘Arsh [the Divine Throne], but it can’t be said that He is not on the earth. He is the sum total of all perfect attributes and He is the Manifestation of every true praise. He is the source of all that is good and encompasses all powers and He is the source of all forms of beneficence. He is the One to Whom everything returns. He is the Lord of all the realms. He possesses every perfection and is free from all defects, imperfections and weakness. It is His sole prerogative that all those who belong to the earth as well as all those who belong to the heavens should worship Him. Nothing is impossible for Him. All souls and their potentialities and all particles and their potentials are His and only His creation. Nothing comes into existence without Him. He reveals Himself through His Powers, His Omnipotence and His Signs. We can attain Him only through Him. He always reveals His Being to the righteous and shows them His Omnipotence—and this is the only means by which He is recognized and the path He favours is recognized.1


1. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, The Will (Tilford, Surrey: Islam International Publications, 2005), 12-13.


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