Categories: Trinity

Native American Beliefs

50 The Review of Religions – December 2006 DIVINITY AND TRINITY – A SCRIPTURAL COMPARISON This research has reinforced the truth of the Holy Qur’an, for statements made over 1400 years ago in clear words are now finding favour with Christian scholars. The emphatic state- ments of the post-Nicean Church, that so many thousands have been killed for questioning, are increasingly being shown to be incorrect by the Biblical experts and scholars themselves. This reflects an increasing awareness of the fact that the 1400 year old Qur’anic statements appear to tell us more about the real meaning of the Biblical Jesus(as). REFERENCES i Sheehan, Thomas, The First Coming: How the Kingdom of God became Christianity, Random House, USA, 1986 ii Sanders, E.P., The Historical Figure of Jesus, The Penguin Group, England, 1993, p.244-245 iii Spong, John Shelby, Why Christianity Must Change or Die, HarperColins Publishers limited, New York, 1999, p.112 iv Hicks, John, Myth of God Incarnate, SCM Press Limited, London, 1993, p.ix v Ibid., p.145 vi Tabor, Dr James, The Jesus Dynasty, HarperColins Publishers limited, London, 2006 p.287 51The Review of Religions – December 2006 Native Americans prefer to be known as First Nations or aboriginal rather than as Indians. These people were thought to have migrated over the iced Baring Straits to the Americas over 10,000 years ago, and are believed to be genetically linked to the Mongols of Indo- China. More recent evidence suggests the same migratory origins, but that the migration took place earlier (suggestions are around 12,500 years ago) and by boat to the Pacific coastline of North and South America rather than via the Baring Straits. In recent times, Native Americans have become integrated into Canadian and US mainstream society (more so in Canada than in the USA) although they still have their own reservations (tracts of land that originally belonged to their tribes). Three hundred years ago, the situation was different, with hundreds of diverse tribes across the continent who had their own regions, customs, traditions and history, and variations of religious belief and practice. Many of the tribal names still survive to this day such as Cherokee, Sioux, Blackfoot, Ottawa, Apache and Iriquois. There was no single nation of Native Americans, but rather a collection of tribes that co-existed. This article examines their spiritual beliefs on subjects such as Creation, the Creator and worship. They also had a strong sense of their co- existence with the nature around them and the preservation of the ecosystem in which they participated. Creation and Earth The natives of Canada respected nature and the Earth, which they understood to be creations of the Great Spirit, and as a result, they always tried to live in harmony with nature. The Pueblo Zuni tribe of the south- west North American desert had a tradition of how their deity Awonawilona created the heavens and the earth and then the first man, Poshaiyangkyo. The two lesser Native American Beliefs By Fazal Ahmad – London, UK 52 The Review of Religions – December 2006 NATIVE AMERICAN BELIEFS forms of nature that sprang up were the Earth Mother known as Awitelin Tsta, and the Sky Father, known as Apoyan Tachi. (See Gordon, p.66) Their neighbours, the Hopi (name meaning Peace) tribe had a tradition about four different ages of creation, each destroyed and superceded by a new age just as we see in other traditions such as Hinduism. Creation was initiated by Taiowa. The Earth Mother he created gave birth to the races of man. In other words, they believed in a Creator that had made the earth and all of their provisions for them, and then made man to settle on the earth. Tribes as far north as the Inuit of Alaska, and those that travelled further south, all had a deep respect for nature and their position in the ecosystem. They believed that their creator was Igaluk, the moon god, while Sedna, the one-eyed sea goddess controlled population by drowning men. It was only the Inuit Shaman (see later) that could mollify Sedna and Map of First Nations tribes across North America 53The Review of Religions – December 2006 NATIVE AMERICAN BELIEFS prevent storms from ravaging their coastline. The Inuit are very careful not to disturb the balance of nature around them. The Cheyenne tribe based in North-West America held nature in respect as we see from the words of one of their songs: The earth produces herbs. The herbs cause us to live. They cause long life. They cause us to be happy. (Cheyenne song) Similarly, there is an Okanagan Creation tradition: Thus all living beings came from the earth. When we look around, we see part of our (Earth) Mother everywhere. (Okanagan Creation) And the Sioux of central North America respected their wildlife as illustrated by the following prayer: Behold this Buffalo, O Grandfather, which you have given us. He is the chief of all four-leggeds upon our Sacred Mother. From him the people live and with him they walk the sacred path. (Sioux prayer) So you start to get a sense that the tribes understood their position within the ecosystem, and recognised that for the sake of their long-term survival, they needed to live in harmony with the animals, flora and fauna around them. Modern green politics has a lot to learn from them. The Micmac people of Nova Scotia, north-east Canada believe that Gluscap created man and the provisions while his brother Malsum fought him, and set up plants, animals and conditions to make man’s life hazardous and difficult. This Micmac concept echoes beliefs about good and evil, with Malsum playing a role similar to that of Satan in the Abrahamic faiths. Similarly, the Navaho describe a hero of light called Nayenezgani (slayer of alien gods) and his counterpart, the evil Tobadzistsini. (Gordon, p.279-280, 485) Creek and related tribes of the south- east North America have a myth about their Creator Esaugetuh Emissee (Jordan, p.45) who breathes life into the primordial waters creating land. Then from the mud clay, he fashions the first humans. So there is a diversity of beliefs 54 The Review of Religions – December 2006 NATIVE AMERICAN BELIEFS about creation, good and evil. It is hard to show a single theme out of the traditions about creation, but certainly, their views show a historical understanding of creation, and of competing forces of good and evil. Great Spirit The First Nations tribes were largely hunters, and had little contact with each other. However, they did seem to share a common culture. They believed in the Great Spirit in the sky, the creator of the world. Although the creator was called Wakan Tanka by the Sioux, Manitou by the Algokin, and many other names, but His characteristics as the creator were common. The following Blackfoot tribal prayer captures their concept of Mother Earth and the Father Spirit: Mother Earth, have pity on us and give us food to eat! Father, the Sun, bless all our children and may our paths be straight! (Blackfoot prayer) There are also beliefs about a dangerous underworld far away. Some tribes describe the under- world as being across a river or ocean, again to signify that it is far away. Its evil connotations seem similar to our concept of Hell. As with many ancient cultures without written traditions, it is easy to mistake their views as being based upon polytheism. In most native American beliefs, there is a single main creator Spirit, and then hierarchies amongst the created, some of whom seem to take on superhuman or supernatural traits. Shamanism The concept of Shamans or Witch Doctors was quite wide-spread among the North American tribes. The term originates from Siberia and Mongolia from where many of the tribes are thought to have emigrated tens of thousands of years ago, and literally means ‘he who knows’. The Shamans (sometimes referred to as witch doctors) were thought to have a special link to the spirit world, and as these people held their ancestors in high regard, such a link carried significant social status with it. There are strange tales of Shaman being able to control the forces of nature and cure people, but actually their function was spiritual. 55The Review of Religions – December 2006 NATIVE AMERICAN BELIEFS Often, the initiation rites for a Shaman were quite severe and brutal in order to determine whether the Shaman was of the right status, and to give him experiences to strengthen his ties with the spirit world. Some examples that we have include the Apache shaman candidates who would jump off a cliff, and those that survived were thought to have gained spiritual knowledge through their near-death expe-riences. Again, in the Sioux sundance, braves would have heavy needles fed through their chest and tied to buffalo skins. They would then dance, and the ritual would heighten their spiritual senses. Whilst these seem crude, actually we are aware of people going through near-death experiences who have sensed their spirit leaving their body, or even had experiences where they have seen themselves on the operating table whilst sensing that their spirit was about to leave the body. The First Nations tribes would have been aware of such experiences, and this had led over centuries to the concept of the Shaman. Totem Poles The tribes of the West coast often built Totem Poles. The term Totem comes from their term referring to their ancestors, so for example the Cree called their kin ototema, while the Ojibwa referred to them as ototeman. The Totem poles provided a link from the tribe to their ancestors, and animals that were associated to their tribes, and these collectively reminded them of their heritage, but also provided them protection according to their beliefs. On the poles, they would carve people and animals to symbolise their beliefs, traditions and values, stories and adventures, accomplishments and significant members. They would raise a totem in honour of a deceased but high profile clan Totem Poles in Vancouver 56 The Review of Religions – December 2006 NATIVE AMERICAN BELIEFS member of the tribe, or to commemorate a significant event. Some African tribes, also put up a smaller statue to commemorate their ancestors. So this appears to be a global phenomenon. Moral Code The First Nations seem to have a strong sense of community, family, ancestors and tradition. Many of the tribes use animal forms to convey messages about good and bad qualities. For example, the Coyote, a wild dog of North America (smilar to the Fox) is shown to be selfish, greedy, sly and a trickster. The Owl on the other hand, represented wisdom and divination. In this way, tribes can convey messages about desirable and undesirable moral qualities. The Huron tribe claim that they had a prophet called Deganawidah in the 16th century who united the Five Iroquois Nations (Seneca, Mohawk, Oneidas, Onondagas and Cayugas) located in modern New York state, and then taught a moral code to the tribes. (Gordon p.327). Deganawidah, whose name means ‘two river currents that flow together’ is claimed by some to have been born to a virgin mother, although this has probably been influenced by the Christianity of the settlers who interviewed the natives to extract this story. It is likely that the mention of virgin birth was meant to convey that he was considered their prophet of a similar stature to Jesus(as). Whatever his origins, he is known to have advocated peace among the hostile tribes, and encouraged them to come together into the confederation. He is also claimed to have eradicated past practices such as cannibalism. He was assisted in his mission by his disciple Hiawatha who originated from the Mohawk tribes. Canadian First Nations face masks 57The Review of Religions – December 2006 NATIVE AMERICAN BELIEFS There are also oral traditions passed down that capture some of the moral teachings and understanding of family responsibilities amongst some of the tribes as shown by the following two traditions: Do not abuse your wife. Women are sacred. If you make your wife suffer, you will die in a short time. (Winnebago Father Precepts) My dear sisters the women, you have had a hard life to live in this world, yet without you this world would not be what it is. Wakan Tanka intends that you should bear much sorrow – comfort others in time of sorrow. By your hands the family moves. (Sioux tradition) So although there is no single written tradition and common moral code, there were several facets that were common such as respect for elders and family roles, and this would have gone hand in hand with their respect for the earth and nature. Life after Death Many tribes believed that there is an evil underworld, although the link between bad behaviour and Hell is not so obvious. Indeed, many tribes have beliefs related to reincarnation. Perhaps their fascination for ancestors is confused by analysts as a belief in reincarnation, and maybe what they are referring to is actually a rebirth in the next life, in a different world, and not a rebirth in this world. According to the Sioux, after death, those members of the tribe that live good lives will be able to make their way to a better place, while those that are sinful will not be able to due to the weight of their sins. (Jordan, p.54) There is a story of the Chinook tribe in which a Blue Jay takes his dead wife to be reborn in the Spirit People’s village (Jordan p.228). So here, clearly the rebirth is in a different place, among the Spirit People. The Chinook have another story of the Thunderers adventures in the Land of the Spirit People to illustrate that the Spirit Land is not as frightening as people may think. Concepts of the soul and spirit are more confused. There are very few clear concepts, and even in journeys to the underworld or Spirit Lands, there is no mention of a soul leaving its physical body. However, there 58 The Review of Religions – December 2006 NATIVE AMERICAN BELIEFS are tales such as the Sacred Bundle myth of the Pawnee tribe where a soul moves between creatures. According to the myth, a hunter marries a cow which has turned into a woman. She then leaves, and years later he identifies her as a different buffalo. Again, it is not clear what concept this myth is trying to illustrate beyond the fact that animals also have spirits, although it is not dissimilar to concepts of reincarnation from Asia. Prophecies of the Latter Days It is easy to assume that these tribes have simple beliefs, not as intricate as our own. Yet the Hopi tribe have a very elaborate mythology about the different ages of man. They describe four ages of man, the first three destroyed by floods and other calamities such as fire. The Hopi survived the Great Flood and were given Stone Tablets (called Toponi) by the Great Spirit. They made a Covenant with the Spirit never to turn away from him. The fourth and current age is expected to culminate in a war when the old countries, the first to receive the light of knowledge (perhaps pointers to the Middle East) will descend into warfare and a ‘Gourd of Ashes’ will fall to boil the ocean and burn the lands.(Gordon p.339). Thank-fully, their story continues beyond this great war to a new safer and more enlightened dawn. In this account of the Hopi, two things stand out. First, the reference to the Great Flood chimes with so many other traditions across the world about the flood. Secondly, the description of the great war clearly alludes to some form of atomic warfare. 59The Review of Religions – December 2006 Responsible Debt Despite the ease with which we can obtain debt and assume that it will be written-off if we do not repay, we must not forget our moral obligations as responsible citizens. Tanveer Khokhar – UK The Holy Prophet’s(saw) Nearness to God Almighty – Part 4 Describes the spiritual journey and the heights reached by the Holy Prophet(saw) in his character as the recipient of the Holy Qur’an. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) Denmark Symposium The true teachings of Islam from the text of the Qur’an and the life of the Holy Prophet(saw) from an address delivered by the Head of the worlwide Ahmadiyya community. Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Rebuttal of Maududi Philosophy An analysis into the views of Maududi on Jihad and his Marxist use of force and how the same ideology was exploited by Orientalists. Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(ru) Christian-Muslim Dialogue and Criticism Inter-faith dialogue must be based on recognising and respecting differences and not recycling the same attacks on the founders of religions. Mansoor Ahmad Shah – UK Prophets of God – part 1 A brief introduction to some of the prophets of God beginning with Adam(as) Daud Hanif – USA People of Lot(as) A look at the people of Sodom and Gomorrah and their punishment as described in the Bible and the Holy Qur’an. Fazal Ahmad – UK Notes and Comments: Cartoon Wars The recent furore over the cartoon depicting the Prophet of Islam(saw) as a terrorist is as irresponsible as is the burning of foreign embassies and destruction of business by some Muslims. Basit Ahmad – UK The Holy Prophet’s(saw) – the Grand Reformer, Perfector of Morals and His Miracles – part 5 These extracts show how someone who truly loves Muhammad(saw) writes about the Holy Prophet(saw) and expresses his superiority over all Prophets and the significance of his miracles. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) Prophets of God – part 2 The Patriarch Prophet Abraham(as) whose progenies include Judaic prophets and Jesus(as) and the Ishmaelite branch left an indelible imprint on the future of mankind. Daud Hanif – USA The Purity of the Text of the Holy Qur’an A thoroughly researched analysis in response to a Christian writer proves that the Holy Qur’an is nothing else but the Word of God. From the Review of Religions – 1907 edition An Announcement by the Chairman of the Central Committee for the Centenary of Khilafat Ahmadiyya The Holy Prophet(saw) Alone is the Living Prophet – part 6 The truth of the Holy Prophet(saw) is established by the remarkable way the message of Islam spread and how the Word Of God has been safeguarded. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) Prophets and Troopers – A Study in Contrast, part 4 God’s messengers have followed a method of reform based on reason and persuasion and not on the use of force. Is there a death penalty for changing one’s faith? A potent message for the Jihadist organisations. Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(ru) Prophets of God – part 3 Prophet Moses(as), a truly great Messenger of God who safely took the people of Israel from the cruel rule of the Pharaoh to freedom. Daud Hanif – USA The Impact of Religion on Ghanaian Society The importance of understanding the fundamentals of religion to dispel superstition and appreciate the true meaning of accountability. Maulvi A. Wahab Adam – Ghana The Purity of the Text of the Holy Qur’an – part 2 The Holy Qur’an was revealed, recited in full repeatedly, memorised by many and preserved in written form during the life-time of the Holy Prophet(saw). From the Review of Religions – 1907 edition Editorial Is there punishment for Apostasy? Sarah Waseem – UK The Holy Prophet(saw) and the Holy Word of God – Part 6 The Holy Qur’an presents clear proofs that the Holy Prophet(saw) was raised in an age when the world had fallen into darkness and he died when thousands had abandoned April 2006 March 2006 February 2006 January 2006 INDEX OF ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN 2006 60 INDEX OF ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN 2006 The Review of Religions – December 2006 their evil ways. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) Freedom of Speech and Tolerance in Islam An address by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V – Islam is a religion of tolerance and allows freedom of belief and expression of opinion. Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad The Maududian Law of Apostacy – Part 5 An extract from Murder in the Name of Islam. The punishment for apostacy is of medieval Christian origin that Maududi borrowed and made Islam a mouse-trap. Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(ru) Surah Al-Lahab A commentary on the significance of Gog and Magog and this Chapter for our times. Hadhrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmood Ahmad(ra) Ahmadiyyat Bound to Triumph God’s promise of the triumph of Ahmadiyyat. Hadhrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmood Ahmad(ra) Editorial – Freedom of conscience Bockarie Tommy Kallon – UK Notes & Comments – Behind the Veil: A Muslim Woman’s status in Islam The donning of the veil does not deprive Muslim women of their rights and elevated status. Khullat Munir – New York, USA Steadfastness of the the Holy Prophet(saw) part 7 An impostor could not have remained steadfast to his cause in the face of bitter persecution as did the Holy Prophet(saw). Steadfastness is higher than a miracle.. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) Establishing Peace The teachings of love and brotherhood that are relevant for the existence of small societies as well as for international relations. Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Recantation Under Islam – Part 6 The Holy Qur’an prescribes no punishment for recanters and there is no evidence to show that the Holy Prophet(saw) punished anyone for recantation from Islam. Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(ru) The Council of Nicaea How the early Christian compromised the most basic tenets of their faith under pressure and fear of Constantine, the Great. Bockarie Tommy Kallon, UK Book Review The Truth About the Alledged Punishment for Apostasy in Islam. Editorial Could man achieve the objective of his creation without the existence of satan? Fareed Ahmad – Newquay, Cornwall Promised Messiah(as) – First Interview with Professor Wragge A fascinating interview covering the question of sin as a relative concept. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) Poverty and Human Rights A reviewof the Islamic solution to global poverty. Ataul Mujeeb Rashed – Imam of the London Mosque The Messiah has Come – Testimony of the Holy Bible A study of the Biblical evidence regarding the period expected for the appearance of the Promised Messiah of the latter days. Ataul Wahid Lahaye – Canada The Holy Prophet(saw) as ‘Abd Shakur’ How ingratitude leads man away from God and His blessings. Naseem Mehdi – Canada Punishment for Apostasy A scrutiny of the Qur’anic teachings on apostasy and how this conflicts with Maududi’s analysis. Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(ru) Essence of Islam – Part 9 Devotion to the Holy Prophet(sa) and some poems in his rememberance.. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) Punishment for Apostasy How the traditions of Islam have been misinterpreted to suggest that Islam prescribes death penalty for apostasy. July 2006 June 2006 May 2006 61 INDEX OF ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN 2006 The Review of Religions – December 2006 Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(ru) The Acropolis: Its significance in the development of religious philosophy History of the Acropolis and Athens and its significance in the development of spiritual thought. Fazal Ahmad – UK The Teacher of Righteousness of the Dead Sea Scrolls Study of the Teacher of Righteousness of the Dead Sea Scrolls and whether he could be Jesus(as). Khalid Saifullah Khan – Australia Taoist Yin-Yang A short look at how the Taoist philosophy of Yin-Yang compares to Islam and its concept of the existence of God. Asim Rai – London,UK Editorial: Prophets of God Sarah Waseem – UK Essence of Islam – Part 10 A translation of some poems in remembrance of the Holy Prophet(saw) by his ardent lover and devoted servant. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) Mercy for the Universe Why is the offence of ‘sabb’ (defaming the Holy Prophet(saw)) not a capital offence? Its punishment is in the Hands of Allah alone. Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(ru) Jalsa Salana – Fiji Speech by Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya community on how its members should follow the teachings of Islam by following the examples of the Holy Prophet(saw). Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Dangers of the Age and Safeguarding of Islamic Values By following guidance given by Islam, we can prevent ourselves from the immoral and evil dangers affecting mankind. Bilal Atkinson – Hartlepool,UK Abdus Salam and the International Centre for Theoretical Physics A brief look at the origins and achievements of the Centre as it celebrates its fortieth anniversary. Sameen Ahmed Khan – Oman Notes and Comments Response to the Pope’s address made in Germany. Mansoor Ahmed Shah Essence – Part 11 A selection of writings of the Promised Messiah(as) on the truth, wisdom and matchlessness of the Holy Qur’an. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) Jalsa Salana – New Zealand The closing address by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V, Head of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community at the Annual Convention (Jalsa Salana) of the Community in New Zealand in 2006. Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Islamic Terrorism It is important to understand the difference between the teachings of a religion and the conduct of individual adherents. Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(ru) The Promised Messiah’s(as) Love of the Holy Qur’an Through his writings, the Promised Messiah(as) explained the truth and wisdom of the Holy Qur’an and showed that it is a source of guidance for humanity. Dr. Iftikhar Ahmad Ayaz – UK Editorial: The Facts Behind the Veil Shermeem Butt – UK Essence of Islam – Part 12 The Holy Qur’an is an authority par excellence. With clear proofs of guidance and discrimination against falsehoodIts treasury of wisdoms are expounded in every age. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) A Response to the Pope’s Remarks about Islam The English rendering of a Friday Sermon in response to Pope Benedict XVI’s speech containing false and unfounded allegations against Islam and its Holy Founder(saw). Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Scientific Advancement and Signs of the Latter days – Part 1 A discourse on the signs presaging the advent of the Reformer in the Latter Days. Dr. Kaleem Malik – Chicago, USA October 2006 September 2006 August 2006 62 The Review of Religions – December 2006 The Qur’an and Muslims Today – Part 1 How much influence does the Qur’an have over Muslims today and how far do they adhere to its teachings? Dr. Abd-Latif Busari – Abuja, Nigeria Notes & Comments: Integration of Muslims in Western Society. Fazal Ahmad – London, UK Essence of Islam – Part 13 Evidence for the truthfulness of the Holy Qur’an, its comprehensive nature and its superiority over other revealed books. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) Scientific Advancement and Signs of the Latter Days – Part 2 A discourse on the sings presagign the advent of the Reformer in the Latter Days. Dr. Kaleem Malik – Chicago, USA The Qur’an and Muslims Today – Part 2 How much influence does the Qur’an have over Muslims today and how far do they adhere to its teachings? Dr. Abd-Latif Busari, Abuja, Nigeria Qur’anic Guidance on a Good Diet Now that the month of fasting has ended, an analysis of the features of a good diet, and the guidance given by the Holy Qur’an both in terms of the prohibitions and the reasoning behind them. Dr.Lateef Qureshi – Edinburgh, Scotland I Answer the Prayer of the Supplicant when he Prays to Me A convert recounts his experience of the efficacy of prayers. Harris Maguire – UK Editorial: Freedom of Religion – A right not a wrong Are recent events over the veil and the cross threatening the freedom of religion? Fareed Ahmad – Newquay, UK Essence of Islam – Part 14, Guidance for the Righteous Expounding the beauty of Qur’anic wisdom as a guidance for the righteous. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) Love Thy Neighbour. Presenting the strong emphasis Islam lays on the rights of nieghbours. Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Umar ibn al-Khattab(ra) – Conquests for Survival A critical review of orientalist thought on Hadhrat Umar’s(ra) conquests. Sirajul Haq Khan – London, UK Divinity and Trinity – A Scriptural Comparison Analysing the Qur’anic and Biblical interpretations of similar terminology about Jesus(as). Arif Khan – London, UK Native American Beliefs How spiritual beliefs of Native Americans are similar to those of mainstream religions. Fazal Ahmad – London, UK December 2006 November 2006 INDEX OF ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN 2006 63The Review of Religions – December 2006 Humanity First is a global charity registered in 19 countries with UNESCO NGO status. We have responded to global disasters such as the Pakistan Earthquake, the Asian Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina. We also run a number of long-term projects in Africa and South America to feed the needy, provide safe drinking-water, help restore health and provide training in IT and tailoring. Our aims are to take people out of dependance and restore communities by improving health and providing sustainable careers. We provide help on the basis of need, and irrespective of race, religion or politics. Humanity First is looking for individuals and companies to volunteer help, provide medication, food, clothing and other supplies and to become regular donors. 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