Categories: Khilafat

An Announcement by the Chairman of the Central Committee for the Centenary of Khilafat Ahmadiyya

62 The Review of Religions –February 2006 Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu I have the honour to make an important and urgent announcement with the permission and blessings of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V, Ayadahullahu Ta’ala. In his book The Will , the Promised Messiah(as) says: ‘I am a personification of His (that is Allah’s) Power. And after I am gone there will be some other persons who will be the manifestation of the Second Power [of Allah].’ In fulfilment of this prophecy of the Promised Messiah(as), after the death of the Promised Messiah(as), Hadhrat Maulana Nooruddin(ra) was elected as his first successor and Khalifa and at his election, the members of Jama’at (community) Ahmadiyya made a solemn commitment to him that they would remain loyal and faithful to him and that any command of his would be for them no less than the command of the Promised Messiah(as) himself. Thus Khilafat was established in Jama’at Ahmadiyya and by the grace of Allah with the passage of time and at every turn of history, Khilafat Ahmadiyya continued to gain strength and got established more firmly. The hundred years of the Khilafat will be completed in 2008. For this infinite favour of Allah, the M i g h t y, and for the innumerable blessings and beneficence which were showered by Allah on the Jama’at, as well as for the substantial progress which Jama’at has made under the guidance of Khilafat, it is incumbent upon us that we express our sincerest gratitude to Allah both in our hearts and in our actions. Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V Ayadahullahu Ta ’ a l a has decided that in 2008 Jama’at Ahmadiyya should celebrate the 100th anniversary of Khilafat Ahmadiyya all over the world. And for this Hudur Ayadahullahu Ta ’ a l a h a s approved a plan which has already been sent to all the Jama’ats of the world. AN ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE CHAIRMAN Central Committee Centenary Khilafat Ahmadiyya 63 ANNOUNCEMENT The Review of Religions – February 2006 At the completion of the first 25 years of the Khilafat of Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad, the Musleh Maud( r a ), the silver Jubilee of Khilafat Thaniya [Second] was celebrated in 1939. On that occasion, Jama’at Ahmadiyya presented to their beloved Imam a sum of Rs.300,000 as a token of its thanksgiving with a request to Hudur that he should kindly accept it and spend it as he deemed fit. Now on the occasion of the coming Centenary to be celebrated at the completion of 100 years of Khilafat Ahmadiyya, it shall be appropriate that, in keeping with our tradition, and showing our gratitude to Allah practically, we should, on behalf of the Jama’at, present to Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V Ay a d a h u l l a h u Ta’ala a befitting amount of money as a token of our thanksgiving to Allah with a request that this humble present to Hudur by the Jama’at is made as an expression of gratitude to Allah and that Hudur may accept it and spend it as he likes. The Central Committee for Centenary of Khilafat Ahmadiyya, appointed by Hudur Ayadahullahu Ta’ala has approved that the amount of this token of our thanksgiving should be no less than one million sterling pounds. With the permission of Hudur, this humble one on behalf of the Central Committee of the Jubilee makes this appeal to the worldwide Ahmadiyya Jama’at that we should raise this fund to be presented to Hudur as a token of our thanks to Allah. I hope that Jama’at Ahmadiyya who, by the grace of Allah, fully realises the blessings of Khilafat, and in view of the love which every member of the Jama’at has for Khilafat, shall positively respond to this appeal. The members of the Jama’at can contribute to this fund individually, or they can participate in this scheme at Jama’at level. The representatives of various countries who are present here are requested to make this appeal to the members of the Jama’at when they return to their respective countries. Wassalam Yours sincerely [sd] Hameedullah Chairman Central Committee Centenary Khilafat Ahmadiyya Qadian, 27 December 2005 We hope you have enjoyed reading this edition of the magazine. 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