Guest Reflect on Peace Symposium

“One of the things I enjoy about coming to the Peace Symposiums that the Ahmadiyya Community holds, is to listen to His Holiness. I always find him inspirational. I think tonight, his message was even more important than ever. And I felt the way that he talked about the threat of ISIS in Iraq and Syria, and the way he showed that ISIS has nothing to do with the faith of Islam, I thought was extremely persuasive.”
Rt Hon Edward Davey MP
Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change


“I have been so inspired this evening, by hearing His Holiness speak. It has been such a clear, cogent and powerful message. It has given an insight to Islam that I think everyone should have. It is such an important message he has, for the world and for the British people to understand the true nature of Islam.”
George Husnik
Wave Trust Chief Executive


“His Holiness gave a speech that was incredibly powerful. That set out all of the claims that violent groups like ISIS made and then totally demolished them in terms of what the Qur’an actually says. I think for a lot of people that sat in the room, it helped them really understand what true Islam is actually about. And how this message of peace is really at the heart of it.”
Rt Hon Justine Greening MP
Secretary of State for International Development


“His Holiness’ speech was very enlightening. I thought he was very apt. And it was very good to reprimand the whole world to do something rather than just sitting down and blaming each other.”
Councillor Agatha Akyigyuna
Mayor, London Borough of Merton Council


“The talk of His Holiness was not only important but most enlightening in quoting the Holy Qur’an in those verses that, so clearly, point out that Islam is a religion of peace, a religion of love, a religion that has nothing to do with violence or with something against justice and peace.”
Sylvio Danaio
Religions for Peace, Italy

“I think this evening was wonderful. His Holiness’ speech was very inspirational. I think he had sown on some very important points. And the bottom line is; we as humanity need to pull together, work together, and improve the conditions we have.”
Sarah Elcker
Director, Church of Scientology


“One of the important things about the event today was the address of His Holiness where he gave a very clear explanation of why the crisis with ISIS is completely un-Islamic. And that is very important to hear because people don’t necessarily hear that kind of detail. He went into detail about how in the Qur’an there can be no justification for the mentality, and mindset of people like ISIS.”
The Most Reverend Kevin McDonald
Emeritus Archbishop of Southwark, Catholic Church of England & Wales

“His Holiness, I thought, was really incredible because all the things he was saying were going through my mind and I could actually relate to nearly everything that he said, which probably surprised me for some reason, I don’t know why. I just find it very very moving. I am really pleased I came.”
Councillor Diane Bedford
Mayor, Rushmoor Borough Council


“So from what I got, if Muhammad was able to tell people to live side by side with other religions, like the Jews and Christians in Medina, then we can all do the same. That’s something I learned from his speech.”
Emanuel Amoa


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