Guest Comments & Reflections on Address of His Holiness in Crawley

“The Ahmadiyya Community is a community of love and respect and I would want to promote that amongst people. I know a lot of people are probably skeptical and fearful of people from other beliefs or religions and I think it’s important to be positive and say what you find in that belief or religion and I would want to promote the fact that it’s a very loving, very trusting, very caring, very respectful group of people.”

Mayoress of Crawley
Brenda Burgess

“Well I came here this evening, and I think, typical of many English people, lacking in knowledge of the Muslim faith. I had no knowledge at all about the community, and that is why I accepted the invitation so readily and it has been a very enlightening and very happy experience for me.”

Chairman of Mid Sussex District Council
Councillor Gordon Marples

“The Ahmadiyya Muslim community has themselves very much gone out to the community to say we’re not here to take over, we’re not here to do anything like that, we just want to be a presence. When I was driven down today, this shining light was absolutely a wonderful sight to see. Absolutely fantastic!”

Mayor of Crawley
Councillor Bob Burgess

“I’m absolutely delighted to be here this evening and when I drove down the road, I was literally spellbound by the light that was shining out from the Mosque and I felt it was drawing me to it which was a wonderful feeling.”

Chairman West Sussex County Council
Amanda Jupp

“Seeing this Mosque develop over the last year or so, has been a very good thing to see for the local community. One of the things I witnessed this evening were people from many different faiths, many different backgrounds, coming together to celebrate this event. People were getting on well and enjoying the occasion and that’s the memory I will have and I’m sure will be the legacy of this Mosque as we go forward.  ”

Member of Parliament for Crawley
Henry Smith

“Oh it’s absolutely beautiful! As I said, I stood here a year ago virtually, when they first moved in, I was asked to welcome you to Langley Green. I was pleased to do that but coming back today, I think it’s only the third time I’ve come to the Mosque since you moved in and I can’t believe it. I just don’t believe it! I live here, so I drive past most days and I’ve watched the building slowly change and a lot of work took place inside so you couldn’t see what was going on and then gradually things changed on the outside but these last two weeks, it has been amazing. Every day I’ve had to come past to see what’s happened next? What’s happened next? The minaret went up, and then the whole building was painted white, then the arches appeared and then just in the last two days the writing, the scrolling in silver appeared and across the arch at the top of the roof. And it is stunning! It is so outreaching and I think that is what’s so important. Buildings can become very closed. They are so owned by the people who come in to worship there, particularly churches but this Mosque has suddenly opened up to the whole community. Everybody who comes to Langley Green, and passes here can see exactly what it is and what it thinks and what it stands for. That’s just so important, so important. ”

Labour Councillor for Langley Green
Brenda Smith



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